Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Scientific advancement: Morality Changed by Research

Scientific advancement benefits society: stem cells researches, creation of the Internet and various technologies have substantially facilitated human life and daily performance. However, as we are approaching the limits of human scientific knowledge, new scientific discoveries put us into the whirl of moral and ethical debates.In many instances, scientific advancement has given place to ethical dilemmas and has urged society to com/morality-and-moral-values/">re-think moral values. Scientific advancement makes us re-evaluate our ethical standards and beliefs, and adjust our moral norms to the needs of scientific progress.Scientific advancement: Morality Changed by ResearchScience has for long been considered a virtuous â€Å"value-neutral† activity (O’Hear 29). Science represented the constant desire of people to find the truth, and to ground this truth on scientific proofs and facts. However, science cannot remain distanced from morality and ethical values.The discove ry of stem cells is the example of how science impacts our ethical and moral beliefs. Stem cells research has generated the arduous debate on whether it is moral to kill an embryo. For many religious sects, embryo represents a human life and its destruction is equaled to murder. For the majority of scientists, stem cells research opens new horizons in treating life altering diseases.Fong writes that many scientists consider immoral to allow â€Å"select groups to decide which scientific advancements are to be explored, and which are to be discarded†. To decide, whether we support or reject stem cells research, we should thoughtfully re-consider our personal values.Stem cells research is just the most recent and the brightest example of the way scientific advancement changes our values. The Internet vs. privacy, video games vs. violence are included into the list of the most relevant ethical issues. Aristotle said that â€Å"all men, by nature, desire to know† (Johnson 2).Current scientific advancement has turned the desire for knowledge into the desire for â€Å"moral knowledge†. Science is becoming closer to ethics and morality. Scientists are compelled to weigh all possible moral and ethical consequences of their researches beforehand.For example, stem cells researchers look for the methods of generating stem cells without destroying an embryo (Fong). We participate in these processes through personal re-evaluation of scientific discoveries.Scientific advancement benefits society, but these benefits make moral dilemmas even more difficult and insolvable.The most significant scientific discoveries turn into the most debatable ones, and divide society into the two large camps of those who judge immoral scientific approaches, and those who benefit from the recent scientific researches.For example, the development of weapons of mass destruction has benefited those who live in aggressive military areas, but has also put humanity under the ris ks of self-destruction. Philosophers and religious leaders claim that â€Å"the sirens of science are dulling our moral sensibilities with the bewitching illusion of immortality† (Johnson 2).For many, scientific advancement remains the sign of the social spiritual and moral degradation. For those who have already lost the hope to be cured, defended, or informed, scientific advancement gives a chance for long and full living.Those who oppose to scientific advancement and view it as threatening to moral stability of society, may change their views as soon as they appear in different circumstances (e.g. face a life threatening state, participate in a military conflict, or need to use the informational benefits of the Internet).This is why the balance of forces in such dilemmas is very vulnerable and is subject to changes. As a result, we watch how our values shift under the impact of scientific progress, and how our most precious views and beliefs are being shrunk by the speedy and sometimes threatening scientific advancement.On the one hand, scientific advancement shifts our beliefs and values. On the other hand, the major portion of scientific ethical dilemmas is caused by the lack of scientific knowledge. There is no agreement on whether an embryo should be considered a live person, because we do not have scientific facts to prove or refute this assumption.We argue whether the development of arms threatens society, because we do not have scientific means of neutralizing the effects of such arms on people. We cannot decide whether Internet is good for people, or whether it undermines the principles of personal privacy, because we lack scientific methods of protecting this privacy (Givens).Scientific advancement is a positive and useful process; it makes our lives more convenient, and provides the grounds for re-evaluating our attitudes and beliefs. O’Hear writes, that â€Å"we are forced to contemplate issues that previous generations neither con ceived of nor could imagine† (37).It is an unavoidable scientific and social progress. Evidently, current scientific advancement has become more moral than ever before, as scientists constantly re-consider the morality of their discoveries. Society finds itself in the continuous process of re-evaluating values and standards, and adjusting them to the changing scientific needs.ConclusionScientific advancement makes our existence â€Å"more convenient† but generates social disagreement on whether certain scientific discoveries are moral or ethical. Scientific advancement creates new subjects for moral and ethical dilemmas.Our ethical values follow the scientific progress, and not vice versa. We shift our values to adjust them to the new scientific opportunities, but these opportunities are also driven by our growing social needs. Re-thinking values is continuous process, and is the inevitable product of the current scientific advancement.Works CitedFong, K. â€Å"Stem Ce ll Advancement Touted, But Doubts About Effectiveness and QuestionsAbout Ethics Raised.† 2006. The Stanford Daily. 24 April 2008., B. â€Å"Public Records on the Internet: The Privacy Dilemma.† 2006. Privacy RightsClearinghouse. 24 April 2008., D. â€Å"Whispers of Immortality.† London Daily Telegraph, 8 April 2000, p. 2.O'Hear, A. After Progress: Finding the Old Way Forward. Bloomsbury USA, 2000.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case 15: Teletech Corporation, 2005 Essay

Case Study 3: Estimating the Cost of Capital 1. Currently Teletech Corporation (TC) uses a single hurdle rate for both their Telecommunications Services (TS) and Products and Services (P&S) divisions. This hurdle rate obtained by an estimate of TC Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), which is calculated at 9.3%. When analyzing critically at this point, TS is underperforming with a return on capital (ROC) of 9.1%, whereas, P&S segment is well over the required rate of return as it is gaining a ROC of 11.0%. As a result, the firm’ share price is inactive. Their price-to-earning is far below investor’s expectation in comparison to the firm’s risk. The use of a single constant hurdle rate brings about an uncorrelation between risk and return. With an approx. $2 billion being invested in the upcoming years, the discount rate is significantly important in order to make investment decision on profitable projects, that will increase shareholder’s value. 2. Estimate the segment WACCs for Teletech: Corporate TS P&S Explanation MV asset weights 100% 75% 25.00% Bond rating A-/BBB+ A BB Pretax cost of debt (Kd) 5.88% 5.74% 7.47% Tax rate (t) 40% 40% 40% After-tax cost of debt 3.53% 3.44% 4.48% Kd(1-t) Equity beta (ÃŽ ²) 1.15 1.04 1.36 Industry Average Rf 4.62% 4.62% 4.62% 30-year U.S Treasury Securities RM 10.12% 10.12% 10.12% Source: Bloomberg RM-Rf 5.50% 5.50% 5.50% Cost of equity (Ke) 10.95% 10.34% 12.11% Ke=Rf + ÃŽ ²(RM-Rf) Weight of debt 22.19% 22.19% 22.19% Assume that it stays the same as Weight of equity 77.81% 77.81% 77.81% Teletech WACC 9.30% 8.81% 10.41% WACC=Wd *Kd(1-t) + We*Ke 3. It seems that TS is actually profitable on a risk-adjusted basic, even though it is underperforming compared with the firm hurdle rate. The reason behind is the current use of constant hurdle rate does not mirror the higher cost of debt required for P&S, and shows that the cost of equity required for TS will not have sufficient capital in the future but P&S will be given more than enough because TS’ return is less than P&S. It also indicates that TS certainly is less risky than the company and therefore it should be provided adequate funds in the long run. 4. In term of â€Å"economic value†, all money is green. Teletech having a book value of $16 million, they would fit the profile no matter it is under two segments its return on capital is viewed as one whole part. Investors are only concerned with the company as the whole, rather than its individual segments. The implication of that view is to let investors deeply understand that Teletech will still have return at the hurdle rate despite the fact that P&S is less profitable than TS. The return is being produced for shareholders are clearly dependent on where Teletech invests its fund. The argument in favor is that the returns on  capital of the two segments complied into Teletech hence, it is practical to keep all capital contributions at the firm should be treated individually. The argument against this statement is that the decision might be wrong if the use of strategic consideration is not included. The use of single hurdle rate will make the NPV results consistent but the NPV as well as the economic profit estimations would lose their meaning and comparability across TS and P&S. The separation of using different hurdle rates will make Teletech’s return higher. 5. If all the firm’s assets were invested only in the telecommunication segment the firm would increase the total risk as the lack of diversification on multiple investments. From another point of view, currently Teletech is using a constant rate to determine the projects and this rate is used as the discount rate. If the hurdle rate is set constantly at 9.3%, return on capital of TS (8.5%) is far lower than the hurdle, it seems like TS will reduce the firm’s value. While the return on capital of P&S (11.4%) exceeds the hurdle, it means P&S will enhance the firm’s value. TS P&S Explanation Return on Capital (%) 9.10% 11.00% NOPAT (million) $1,180.00 $480.00 Capital (million) $12,967.03 $4,363.64 Capital=ROC*NOPAT Economic Profit (million) -$25.98 $74.17 Use of a constant hurdle rate EP=(ROC-Hurdle Rate)*Capital $37.66 $25.54 Use of individual hurdle rates Where: The constant hurdle rate = WACCfirm = 9.3% The individual hurdle rates: Used for TS = WACCTS = 8.81% Used for P&S = WACCP&S = 10.41% From the table above, obviously observed that the use of the constant hurdle rate will mislead investment decisions, as it probably will result in negative economic profit from TS (-$25.98 million) as it does not take into account any additional risk associated with each segment. In fact if the use of individual hurdle rates applied, it will generate a large positive economic profit from TS ($37.66 million), PS still remains profitable but it is far below the original economic profit that calculated by using the constant hurdle rate. 6. From the calculations above in part 5, P&S will contribute extra value ($25.54 million) to Teletech as the term â€Å"all money is green† because P&S’ actual return is up to 11%, which is, lightly exceeded the hurdle rate of 10.41%. 7. There is no conflict with holding two seats on Teletech’s board of directors as he demanded, but the initial purpose of business is to provide firm’s customers the best goods and services, that will make Teletech to become the best telecommunication service. The firm will have to generate the best possible return, maximize the shareholder’s wealth, maintain the heavy development in both expansions of range as well as increase in customer’ satisfaction. So far, each segment has shown clear evidences and signs that they have been being brought value to Teletech, therefore Teletech have to decide to treat both TS and P&S like individual firms in the uses of equity and debt for a long run benefit.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Oxford American Dictionary

According to The Oxford American Dictionary, a fact â€Å"is a thing that is known to have occurred, to exist, or to be true,† while an opinion is â€Å"a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. † Written in 1898, Albert Shaw’s work, â€Å"The Blowing Up of the Maine,† provides examples of the differences between fact and opinion that can be found in a writing style called â€Å"yellow journalism.† Coined in the late 19th century, the phrase â€Å"yellow journalism† was used to describe newspapers that used a combination of verifiable data, sensationalism and distorted imagery to increase sales and/or influence public viewpoints. In â€Å"The Blowing Up of the Maine,† author Shaw emphasizes emotion and anti-Spanish bias, while limiting facts, in his description of the destruction of the USS Maine, an American warship harbored briefly in Cuba’s Havana Harbor, to achieve the following g oals: promotion of American nationalism and justification of the subsequent conflict between the United States and Spain that led to the Spanish-American War.He accomplishes those two objectives through discussion of the following: 1. ) America’s collective opinion of Spanish policy and actions, 2. ) Spain’s anti-American sentiment, and 3. ) the federal government’s response to Spain and growth of the American military. Additionally, Shaw’s style allows readers to compare and contrast fact and opinion in his rendition of this part of American history. Firstly, Shaw’s focus on emotionalism is demonstrated at the beginning of his accounting with a description of the American public’s feelings about the explosion of the USS Maine.He states, â€Å"†¦75 million Americans have accordingly suspended judgment in the face of a great provocation†¦to suppose the destruction of the Maine an ordinary incident and not due to any external agency or hostile intent was, under all the circumstances, to set completely at defiance the law of probabilities. † While Shaw does infuse a factual approximation with his reference to America’s population, with the 1900 United States Census indicating 76,212,168 Americans, he presumes to know the feelings of the entire American populace. In 1900, approximately sixty percent of Americans lived in rural areas (U.S. Census, 1900). And only 1. 3% of the population had telephones (Guinee, 1995). Consequently, communications across country were limited, and the first national opinion survey wasn’t administered until 1916 (Converse, 1987). Thus, it would have difficult for Shaw to have documented the actual feelings of the entire American population. Additionally, Shaw infers that the explosion of the USS Maine was caused by Spanish aggression. Without reference to actual data, he suggests that it was highly improbable that the event was caused by anything other than an att ack from Spain. In 1898 and 1911, the U.S. Department of Navy conducted investigations, concluding that a mine had caused the destruction of the warship (Naval Historical Center, 2003). According to the U. S. Navy, â€Å"Technical experts at the time of both investigations disagreed with the findings, believing that spontaneous combustion of coal in the bunker adjacent to the reserve six-inch magazine was the most likely cause of the explosion on board the ship† (Naval Historical Center, The Destruction of the USS Maine section, para 12, 2003). To date, no final cause of the Maine’s destruction has been determined (Naval Historical Center, 2003).Shaw continues his emotional description of America’s opinion of Spain in a series of additional references. He states, â€Å"There are a few people in the United States – we should not like to believe that more than one hundred†¦ who believe that the United States ought to join hands with Spain in forcing t he Cuban insurgents to lay down their arms†¦ † Shaw makes assumptions about the opinions of the American public, assuming that less than 1% would support Spain’s actions, without actual facts to support his statement. He later states, â€Å"The people of the United States do not intend to help Spain hold Cuba.On the contrary, they are now ready, in one way or another, to help the Cubans drive Spain out of the Western Hemisphere. If the occasion goes past and we allow the Cuban struggle to run on indefinitely, the American people will have lost several degrees of self-respect†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Again, Shaw presumes to know the thoughts of all Americans and uses an emotional appeal to emphasize his views. He makes no reference to a poll or survey taken of American sentiment, and leads the reader to conclude that all Americans are ready to go to war with Spain to end its rule of Cuba, without any data to back his opinion.Additionally, he infers that America’s failu re to aid Cuba against Spain would be wrong, if not immoral. Secondly, Shaw also discusses Spain’s â€Å"feelings† about America throughout â€Å"The Blowing Up of the Maine† to further strengthen support for his opinions. He says, â€Å"It has been known perfectly well that Spanish hatred might at any time manifest itself by attempts upon the life of the American representative at Havana, Consul General Fitzhugh Lee.† He states, â€Å"The Spaniards themselves, however, looked upon the sending of the Maine as a further aggravation of the long series of their just grievances against the United States. They regarded the presence of the Maine at Havana as a menace to Spanish sovereignty in the island and as an encouragement to the insurgents. He also notes, â€Å"The American pretense that the Maine was making a visit of courtesy seemed to these Spaniards a further example of Anglo-Saxon hypocrisy.† And, finally, he adds, â€Å"†¦Spain on her p art was trying to raise money to buy ships and secure allies. † Shaw’s descriptions lead the reader to assume that a Spanish attack on America was imminent and something that America prepare for and expect. Again, Shaw expresses his opinions without supporting data. He makes no references to Spanish official documents or policies, or to statements made by Spanish leaders, that would prove Spain harbored ill feelings towards Americans or intended to attack the United States.Instead, he incites America’s emotions with his allusions that Spain caused the destruction of the USS Maine and has been preparing for war with America. Finally, Shaw appeals to American patriotism by discussing actions performed by the federal government and the subsequent growth of the military. He uses a mixture of fact and opinion, again presuming the entire American population is aware of a series of actions undertaken by the American government to prepare for war against Spain. He does n ot, however, provide verification of the information he writes. He states the following,â€Å"The whole country has known that†¦government work was being prosecuted with double or quadruple forces of men, working by night as well as by day; that ammunition factories, iron and steel plants, and every other establishment capable of furnishing any kind of military or naval supplies were receiving orders from the government and were working to the full extent of their capacity; that our naval representatives were negotiating abroad for additional warships; that new regiments of artillerymen were being enlisted for the big guns on the seaboard; that naval recruits were being mustered in to man newly commissioned ships; that the railroads were preparing by order of the War Department to bring the little United States Army from western and northern posts to convenient southern centers. † He adds â€Å"†¦on March 8 [three weeks following the destruction of the USS Maine], the House of Representatives unanimously voted to place $50 million at the unqualified disposal of President McKinley as an emergency fund for the national defense – †¦followed by an equally unanimous vote of the Senate†¦a very large sum to place in the hands of one man†¦no part of the $50 million will be squandered by the administration.† While the reader could verify Congress’ allocation of funds to the Executive branch of government for national defense, how could Shaw know that all plants were â€Å"working to full capacity† or determine that as many as two to four times as many men were working to prepare American for war? Or how would Shaw know exactly how the funds would be spent? Again, Shaw makes predictions regarding the conflict with Spain, this time about the American government. Shaw adds statements like, â€Å"The quickness and inventiveness of America[s]†¦have no parallel in Europe,† â€Å"Americans had been†¦building or buying†¦high speed and stanch qualities, capable of being quickly transformed into naval dispatch boats or armored and fitted with torpedo tubes.Probably not a single private Spanish citizen could turn over to his government such a vessel†¦,† and â€Å"[America] the most highly developed mechanical and industrial nation will by virtue of such development be most formidable in war†¦, a situation that the Spaniards in general are evidently quite unable to comprehend. † Shaw emphasizes the strength of American â€Å"might† (comparing it to Spain) and an increase in the size of the military to promote nationalism and gain public support for the war. Again, Shaw offers no data to support his opinions, only making the assumption that America would be better equipped for conflict than the Spanish. In conclusion, Shaw’s â€Å"The Blowing Up of the Maine† is an example of â€Å"yellow journalism,† using a combination of fac t, emotionalism and opinion to promote patriotism and public support of war with Spain.While there is no definitive proof that works like Shaw’s caused the Spanish-American War, sensationalist writing does rouse emotions. According to historians, a debate still continues: Did yellow journalism create the conflict between America and Spain, or simply demonstrate what contemporary Americans felt at that time? While the question remains unanswered, readers are able to compare fact and opinion and come to their own conclusions. References Converse, Jean M (1987). Survey Research in the United States: Roots and Emergence 1890-1960. Guinee, Kathleen (1995). A Journey through the History of Information Technology. Naval Historical Center (2003). Destruction of USS Maine. U. S. Census (1890).

Concert Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Concert Report - Assignment Example The other show was from an Encentrics band that was performed in Jammin Java in Vienna, VA. The classical type of music is an art of music with its origins dated back to the 1700. Its roots are based in the West and since its establishment has had a variety of performances. This type of music also ranges from secular to liturgical. Symphony is a genre of music that employees a length form of musical composition to be performed. They are related to the classical type of music since they were discovered in the same era. These types of music got their boost during the 19th century which according to scholars is known as the romantic period. The music would be played in weddings and other romantic situations. Classical music is subjected to various characteristics which I found out after attending the classical music concert. The music has gone through a lot of improvements due to the different in time since when it was established to date which adds up to more than five hundred years. T his has led to its broad variety, genres and forms of music. Before attending the music concerts, some of my friends had talked about classical music claiming it was ‘any type of music that lasts for a long time’. Other friends also talked about music where all types of musical instruments were used’. I did not believe at first until I attended the show. The show took an average of two hours. The classical team may have lasted more than one hour playing one song, an art that was done to perfection. Instruments in the orchestra included violins, pianos and bands. Another characteristic of the classical type of music is the type of literature that was used during the concert. The music or songs had been written as musical notations which lead to the creation of a score. In the concert’s case, the score determined the type f pitch and rhythm to be used in the song. It also contributed to the type of coordination from the performers. Another distinct character istic is the type of instrumentation used to produce classical music. The band used a range of musical instruments date back to the 19th century. The concert band used instruments ranging from the piano, violin, guitar, bagpipes and trumpets. However, the most noticeable instrument was the acoustic guitar has been used since the 20th century. The wide range of instruments through the band provided soft cool music. They all worked together in harmony to provide the required pitches and tonal variations. The band was also dressed based on dressings from the 18th century. The music had not changed much as compared to other types of music. The type of notes, pitches and tonal variation had not change much as I could tell from my musical classes. I could also tell from the audience that this type of music is loved by the older generation. This is because the music is soothing and does not have a lot of variation in tones and pitches which may lead to noise (Morin 10). The form of music a lso differentiated the classical type of music from other genres which came up in the renaissance era. I could tell that this type of genre has sophisticated type of musical instruments. They include the sonata, opera, and concerto among others. In my case, it was a concerto. The classical composers seemed to have a close connection with their instruments. The close relationship brought up an emotional feeling. This later proved the fact that this type of musical genre was used to in romantic situations. The musical is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

California and Federal Leave Laws Research Paper

California and Federal Leave Laws - Research Paper Example From this study it is clear that  many states have identified the disadvantages of this present law and the unfavorable impact it is causing on both the employers and the employees. Because of this, twenty-eight states such as New York, California, New Jersey among many other have introduced paid leave bills. This enables workers to get payment from a given period when they are on leave.This paper declares that introduction of SB 1661 legislation in California State in February in 2002 enhanced the existing States Disability Insurance (SDI) system. The present SDI system is already providing partial paid family and medical leave. They also replace 55 to 60 percent of the wage of the employees when they take a leave to recover from serious illness such as pregnancy and disabilities that come because of giving birth. Further, use of SB 1661 extends this medical and family leave insurance system to enable employees replace 50-60 percent of their wages when they take a leave up to 12 w eeks to take care of the newborn or a family member who is seriously sick or after adopting a new baby. Section 233 of the California labor code enables employers to use up to the amount of sick leave that accumulate during the period of six month that they use while caring for family members who are sick. This research paper analyzes different types of leaves laws as well as the differences that exist between California and federal leave laws.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Swift's A Modest Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Swift's A Modest Proposal - Essay Example The succeeding discourse thereby presented arguments that justified the veracity of the author’s contentions; including presenting advantages, the cost of a child (if sold in the market), the supply and demand factors, as well as any potential contrasting assertion or bias of the author to the proposal. Through well-structured logical arguments, including presentation of computations for the expected weight of a healthy child, the cost that a child could be sold, the relief that the selling could do to the poor parents, the benefits that the sale could allegedly provide to a greater number of people for the greater good, assisted in enhancing and accepting the validity of the surprise ending. Likewise, the author emphasized that the proposal would not, in any way, generate bias through potential self-interests; but in fact, was open to other alternative options. Overall, the surprise ending was indeed unexpected and one surmised that the proposal was not at all imaginable; nor morally, ethically and legally conceivable in the first

Friday, July 26, 2019

Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Asthma - Essay Example Industrialization has not only influenced lifestyles, environmental changes but also predisposed alteration in genes as individuals are now exposed to numerous environmental agents encompassing tobacco, smoke, pollen etc (Gilmour et al., 2006). These factors contributed to the augmented frequency of asthma. According to Umetsu and Dekruyff (2006), numerous research studies reveal that avid T-helper 2 (Th2)- driven responses results in asthma proliferation. CD4+ T cells making Th2 cytokines play an imperative role in lungs of asthma patients. The chief reason is interleukin-4 (IL-4) and IL-13 augments the level of (immunoglobulin E) IgE whereas IL-4, IL-9 and IL-10 augment mast cell proliferation, IL-5 enhances eosinophil accretion while IL-9 and IL-13 directly cause mucus hyper-secretion and airway hyperactivity (Umetsu and Dekruyff, 2006). These studies highlight the fact that allergy and asthma are compound genetic attributes, however in the proliferation of asthma numerous environmental factors encompassing allergens and pollutants play an imperative role. These act as stimulating factors and trigger genes to influence the propagation of asthma. It is evident that every individual is exposed to the allergens and other triggering agents but the condition of asthma is observed only in some sensitive individuals, underlining the importance of interaction between environmental and genetic factors in the development of asthma condition. Other preventive mechanism involves immunological factors that play the necessary role in preventing allergic and asthma condition needs further exploration (Umetsu and Dekruyff, 2006). Signs & Symptoms Coughing, wheezing, congestion or tightness in chest and difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. Etiology According to Yeatts et al., (2006), reports are available displaying numer ous windows of exposure present the onset of asthma condition. These conditions may be witnessed right from the fetal stage in utero condition, which is directly influenced by the timing of T-cell memory programming as well as genetic predispositions to such conditions especially in case of atopic parents because of underdeveloped immune system of the fetus. Maternal smoking (includes nicotine and carbon monoxide which diminishes blood cytokine levels, stiffens the uteroplacental circulation and augments the discharge of catecholamines, a direct implication on fetal breathing movements), consumption of alcohol during pregnancy drastically influence the development of asthma, followed by the condition of obstetric complications and elective cesarean section. Asthma during childhood is attributed in 80% of the cases to genetic susceptibility where males show 2-4 times greater frequency as compared to the females. In adults asthma is attributed to the environmental conditions, lifestyl e, smoking habit and occupational hazard. As the age progresses exposure to environmental conditions and also occupational hazard increases which may augment the chances of asthma proliferation (Yeatts et al., 2006). According to Khetsuriani et al, (2008), there is a relationship between human rhinovirus (HRV) and asthma. Molecular characterization methodology was adopted in the study to examine HRVs in asthma cases.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Literature - Essay Example Rowling’s series of Harry Potter. Often Harry has to face insurmountable odds in order to protect the one’s he loves as well as stand up for what he believes is right. A warrior must also be righteous in that his ethical values are clear and true with their moral compass always pointing north. Lastly, resourcefulness and humbleness are key to the creation of a warrior. Not only is a warrior a hero, but he/she is also a leader and must show resourcefulness when solving complex problems as well as show humility when they conquer a task for the people. The role of a warrior in society depends on the societal norms placed on the individual. This also shapes how the person deals with the demands from this society. In Beowulf, Beowulf is tasked with the challenge of slaying Grendel, an evil creature who has been terrifying the people in the king’s hall and killing them. In this, Beowulf functions more as the archetypal warrior character in that his primary purpose as a hero is protecting the people through slaying the beast. Like in government, the power and respect that a warrior yields is not his/her, but rather is delegated to him/her by the people. Many warriors often have abilities that can be considered superhuman abilities, but they always have that one flaw that challenges them in the development of the character. In the Illiad, Achilles is a fearsome warrior who fight’s for Agamemnon in the Trojan War recanted by Homer. Achilles yields the respect of all those in the army for his skill of the sword and his prowess as a warrior. His enemies fear him knowing that he will bring death and destruction. Despite all of this, he was one weakness on his leg in which he is vulnerable to defeat. Unfortunately, he is unable to overcome this weakness and perishes which lead to the name of the area to be called the Achilles tendon in that if any one of us is injured there, it fundamentally changes the way we are able to get around. The idea of a warrior is based on what he/she does for society and how society interprets the actions of the hero/heroine. It is as easy to be praised for a positive act of protection as it is to be reprimanded for an action that society deems immoral or just as easily not meeting the expectations of society. Question 2: Cultural and societal beliefs help fundamentally define the people within. Many cultures have beliefs that there is divine intervention among those in society either for better or worse. They will create shrines to celebrate these deities and make sacrifices to curb the wrath of them. The first and probably most well written about would be the roman gods and demigods which dominated and shaped the roman way of life during ancient times. Many superstitions can be attributed to these gods. They believed in many different gods which usually had domain over an element or aspect in life i.e. Venus is to love as Neptune is to water. They believed that these gods influenced their live s every day in every aspect. In order to gain favor, they shaped their entire culture around this. They paid homage to their gods for good fortune and built great Parthenon’s in their honor. Contemporary, we look at Christianity and the belief in one god subdivided into three aspects: the father, the son, and the holy spirit. In today’s day, society is divided on the divine interference of god in daily life. Many people pray and read the bible in order to try and interpret his meaning in order to live a moral life that will

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leadership and Administration in Nursing at Ohio State University Article

Leadership and Administration in Nursing at Ohio State University - Article Example In the role of nursing administration, the leader must be concerned with turnover costs and training costs which are part of the operational budgeting process designed to secure the financial interests of the hiring organization. Job burnout caused by the conflict between administration and nursing professionals can lead to high absenteeism and even psychological syndromes that jeopardize both nurse well-being and patient care quality (Maslach, 1993; Schaufeli & Enzmann 1998).Ohio State University recognizes that in order to create a positive organizational culture, secure the liability protection of health care organizations and business professionals, and also to ensure patient safety, management and leadership skills require refinement to improve the overall quality of health care delivery. In order to be an effective nurse practitioner or administrative professional, the competencies required to improve the socio-psychological needs of clinical staff must be identified and enhanced with contemporary students of health care. 3. Audience/Learners Though Leadership and Administration in Nursing are intended to create more contemporary health care professionals, including students in the nursing program and business majors, the program is open to all students in the four-year undergraduate program looking to maximize their leadership and administrative proficiencies. students in the nursing program and business majors, the program is open to all students in the four-year undergraduate program looking to maximize their leadership and administrative proficiencies. Students must have completed the program Introductory Leadership 103 in order to be eligible for the program, due to the more advanced concepts of socio-psychological understandings included in this program. A C+ average is required in the introductory leadership program to successfully qualify for credit in this program to ensure quality in curriculum delivery and student retention. Course Syllabus / Course Outline 4. Course Title: Modern Administrative Theory i n Health Care Environments 5. Credit Hours and Length of Course Credit hours: 4 Course Duration: 8 weeks – CEU 60 6. Rationale The fundamental leadership and administrative theories provided in first-year management programs often focus on multiple industries, thus negating a more focused curriculum that recognizes the complexities and tangible realities of being employed in the health care industry. This course is designed to streamline administrative and leadership theory with a strict focus on case study leadership and real-life practical application of modern administration in today’s health care organization. In order to facilitate successful socio-cultural relationships with diverse health care professionals and management teams, it is necessary to be equipped with the skill set for leadership quality and competency (Cox, 2005).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Strategy for Co-op Supermarket Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

A Strategy for Co-op Supermarket - Essay Example But even as outsourcing allows organizations to develop cost-efficiency; it increases certain issues of ethics and corporate social responsibility for the organizations. Outsourcing has to be properly managed since it raises ethical concerns such as the misuse of labor and the impact on the environment as pollution increases as a result of transportation. In this proposal, we attempt to present a strategy for Co-op Supermarket to develop an environmentally friendly approach while remaining competitive in terms of price and choice. Supply Chain Management and Ethics Before we proceed further, we first need to understand the concept of supply chain management and its relation to ethics. ‘Supply chain management has been defined as â€Å"the management of upstream and downstream relationships with suppliers, distributors and customers to achieve greater customer value-added at less total cost† (Wilding, 2003). The term relationship within the context of supply chain managem ent is vital since it pertains to a relationship with not just the suppliers but also the customers. The customers demand that the supply chain management be ethically sound or else the organization runs the risk of losing its loyal customers. The concept of ethics in supply chain management was activated when BBC Panorama exposed the unethical supply chains of sports and clothing companies such as Nike and Gap. These companies hired under-aged Cambodians at minimum wages in order to keep down prices for the end users. However, the end users after realizing the real cause behind the low prices revolted and soon organization began to explore the concept of ethical supply chain management. Along with this issue, the issue of increased pollution as a result of outsourcing suppliers was raised. Though managers cannot control all aspects of the supply chain manager, they still are accountable for the issue and thus the responsibility lies with them. With respect to ethical supply chain m anagement, the concept of green supply chain management has emerged. Green supply chain management understands the environmental impact of the supply chain and takes steps to ensure that the negative impacts are kept to a minimum. For example, Wal-Mart introduced a new packaging scorecard for its suppliers including Unilever, Proctor & Gamble, and Walmart in order to reduce waste production (Basu and Wright, 2007). The Current Dilemma The biggest challenge that Co-op Supermarket is facing at this time, with regard to its supply chain management, is the lack of integration between its supply chain management and ethical policy. Currently, Co-op’s fashion products being sold in the supermarket are outsourced from China which raises the issue of pollution through increased transportation. Outsourcing may reduce costs for the organization but at the same time, it is increasing the impact on the environment. Since fashion products are basically innovative products, the organizatio n needs a responsive strategy in its supply chain management which is able to deal with the changing demands of the customers. When the fashion changes, demand for the products also change and thus the organization cannot hope to reduce transportation costs by shipping finished products in bulk.  

Literature review Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literature review - Research Proposal Example 1243). Alsaif (2011) considered the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents and recognized the problem as an epidemic. Dehgan (2011, p. 2) confirmed these findings. This study conducted quantitative research throughout the United States and established that one in every six children aged 6 to 18 years old are obese. Reilly (2010, p. 205) conducted a comprehensive examination of recent systematic reviews and clinical guidelines regarding childhood and adolescent obesity. One of the predominant findings in this study was the recognition that many parents failed to recognize obesity in their child or adolescent. Additionally, the study recognized that many medical professionals under-diagnosed obesity in children and adolescents, and did implement a uniform means of diagnosis. There are a number of considerations that link obesity to specific factors. These specific factor considerations are notable as they further establish the means through which the eventual structured i nterview questions can be established. Additionally, they factor into the qualitative portion of the analysis. Barnes (2011) examined recent statistical trends among childhood obesity. This investigation revealed that childhood and adolescent obesity greatly contributed to the potential for adult obesity. O’Connor (2011, p. ... Liou, Liou, & Chang (2010, p. 1246) examined the causes of adolescent obesity between 2007 and 2008 among 40 middle high schools with 384 classes, implementing a three-stage systematic sampling design. Among the participants 7.2% were identified as obese and 16.1% overweight. These results were correlated with findings that demonstrated individuals with obese parents were at a high risk of obesity. There are a number of notable concerns related to potential treatment methods and avenues for progress. These elements are highly significant to the qualitative portion of the research investigation. The challenge of treating childhood obesity has heightened as studies such as Lawrence et al. (2010) indicate there is no single determinant of adolescent obesity. This study recommends then that treating adolescent obesity necessarily involve a multi-dimensional approach. Stevens (2010, p. 233) studied obesity in middle school students and confirmed the perspective that it must be treated wit h a multi-dimensional approach. Still, this study indicated that the combination of diet and physical activity directly contributed to weight modification. Swain (2009, p. 22) considered these perspectives. This studied specifically presented an exercise program, referred to as ‘Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It!’ (MEND). This program would involve repeated consultations for parents and children with physicians. These consultations would then work to establish goals and overall lifestyle change. Doak (2009, p. 111) considered many of the specific intervention elements the previous studies examined with varying degrees of accord. This study argued that nearly three quarters of school-based obesity interventions are effective. Still,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Egypt vs. Fertile Crescent Essay Example for Free

Egypt vs. Fertile Crescent Essay During the early dynastic period, the early River Civilizations had just come to be. Egypt and The Fertile Crescent were 2 of the civilizations. Different civilizations were developing different things as well as living two different ways of life. In social and intellectual ways, these two civilizations handled themselves in very similar as well as many different ways to function the way they did and remain stable while they could. Egypt and the Fertile Crescent shared certain things within the social and political part of their civilizations. They both needed a lot of work to be done. Anywhere from building pyramids, to parts of a city, someone had to do it, but who? To solve this dilemma, the Fertile Crescent used slaves, and Egypt had laborers. Having slaves or laborers made is accomplishable for job positions to be filled within a city, or made it easier and quicker to finish projects ordered by the Pharaoh. In an intellectual view, both developed a form of writing. The Fertile Crescent invented the cuneiform, which is also the first form of writing, to pass down history. As well as Egypt, they had hieroglyphics, which served the same purpose, In other words, they needed a way to keep records from generation to generation. To do this, they used what they had to develop a form of writing to accomplish this. As for differences between to two civilizations, they were very many social and political ones. The Fertile Crescent had a small amount of social classes. They had a priest, merchants, and slaves. Those are the basic classes. The significance of having a less amount of classes is simplicity. Also, because the Monarchy already holds most of the power, it has no need for someone else to have any. Egypt had a lot more compared to them. Pharaohs, Land owners, Army commander, merchants, Farmers, and Laborers. While having more social classes than The Fertile Crescent, it might seem to make it harder on them for they have more going on, and more people doing more things, but it made it easier on the Pharaoh. Yes, he still had say so in what went on, but there were still different people in charge of different things. As for any intellectual differences, Egypt was able to develop a calendar. By doing this, they were able to tell when any floods were coming and it was no surprise. Not only did this calendar only help with flooding problems, but they could also mark any important date of when anything happened during their time. On the other hand, the Fertile Crescent was always hit by surprise by floods from the river. They never developed a calendar, so for them, they had no clue when a flood was coming and it became a panic when it did.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Emergent Strategy Development and Resource Allocation Process

Emergent Strategy Development and Resource Allocation Process The business environment is subjected to rapid changes and in such scenarios organizations must change incrementally and adapt strategy on the basis of organizational learning rather than planning ahead (Campbell et al., 2002). Emergent strategy emerges over time. Barney Hesterley 2010 suggest that emergent strategy is very important for entrepreneurial firms due to the high uncertainty and high unpredictably of the business conditions. According to Johnson et al., 2008, emergent strategy can be developed through four ways. Logical Incrementalism: According to Quinn, Logical incrementalism is the development of strategy by experimentation and learning from partial commitments rather than through global formulation of total strategies. Dynamic changes are required to respond to the unexpected changes in the environment rather than planning the strategic direction well ahead (Johnson et al., 2005). Resource Allocation routines: Resource allocation and management has become a vital component of the firms, since effective allocation of resources eases the operations of the firm and also helps in completing their projects within the specified deadline. According to Barney Hesterley 2010, the organizational culture and ritual in a firm that would direct all the employees in the organization to define their jobs in competitive and fiscal terms leads to gain sustainable competitive advantage. As an example, Honda was able to sell their Supercub motorcycles in the American market through their effective resource allocation process. Cultural Processes: The culture within the organization plays an imperative role in the incremental strategy development if it is harmonized with the environmental changes. Incompetent organizational culture may act as a barrier for a firm to keep their strategic directions in line with the environmental changes (Johnson et al., 2005). According to Pearce Robinson 2009, the entity of todays global firms is that organizational culture should be acquainted with cultural diversity. Managing the relationship between strategy and culture in the firm is significant for the successful implementation of the strategy. Organizational politics: The Political observation of strategy development is that strategies develop as a result of processes of haggling and negotiation among the influential stakeholders of the firm. Political action is often perceived as an inevitable part of the strategy development process in an organization (Johnson et al., 2005). To conclude, although the process of emergent strategy development lags sufficient planning since it arises over time, it could be significant for organizations operating in a changing business environment. Using the website of a large organization find its organizational chart. Explain why the organization is structured in the way illustrated. Procter and Gamble (PG) is the worlds biggest maker of consumer products and is well known for their innovation. Over the years PG has considered organizational structure as an essential part of their growth. The brand portfolio is immense (Appendix 1). The decision making at the top management level is made by the board of directors. Each functional operations of the PG group are discretely controlled by their relevant management. In the early 90s, PG was structured in the forms of global matrix structure to meet the consumer demands in each region as shown in Figure 1. This structure allowed the company to create global technical units in distinct regions each with a core competency in a particular category of products. The global category Presidents, RD department and VPs developed the product category stage technologies that could be functional for global branding strategies. The creation of influential and self-governing global functions endorsed the improvement in knowledge levels, transfer of best practices and eradication of intraregional redundancies. The matrix structure proved to be a massive advantage for PG since it combined the manufacturing, purchasing, trading and distributing into a single global supply chain (Piskorski Spadini, 2007). Figure1: Procter Gamble Organizational Structure in 1990s (Source: Grant, 2010, pp.616) Although strong regional functions provided enormous competitive advantages, the matrix structure was never symmetrical in PG. Each function focused more on their own strategic program and development in the company rather than combining with other functional units to develop the companys position in the market place. With problems in their structure and plans for further diversification, PG carried out a six year restructuring plan through which they restructured from global matrix structure to global business units (GBU). The current organizational structure of PG is shown below in Figure 2. Figure 2: Current Organizational Structure of PG (Source: Procter Gamble) The purpose of each level in the current structure is given in Appendix 2. The primary focus of the global business units is on the product and market development and the focus of the Presidents in GBUs is to standardize the manufacturing process and to simplify the brand portfolio. For example GBU for Baby care division proposed a plan to reduce the several numbers of diaper-manufacturing processes into a single standard process (Grant, 2010). This structure increased dexterity and decreased costs through accelerated standards of manufacturing processes and better coordination of promotional movements across countries (Piskorski Spadini, 2007). The organization is huge and they are diversified across the globe with a massive brand portfolio. With product specialization and marketing being their main focus and being successful in the followed structure for more than a decade, global business units proves to be the suitable structure for PG. Four Tenets of Organizational Learning: Learning is an integral part of an organization and it can lead to strategic directions and decisions. Organizational learning is closely related to the logical approach of strategy and firms must persistently learn about themselves and their operating environment (Campbell et al., 2002). According to Johnson et al., 2008, structure and culture of an organization contributes widely towards organizational learning; formal structures might stifle the organizational learning. Managers would be playing a less directive and a more facilitative role. Each individual in the organization might specialize in certain skills. Organizational performance will improve only when the individual knowledge gets transferred into organizational knowledge. Managers are completely responsible for the sharing of knowledge in the organization through knowledge management skills (Campbell et al., 2002). Managers can arrange knowledge transfer sessions on a customary basis in order to improve the core competencies of employees and thereby contributing to organizational learning. They can also emphasize the importance of knowledge sharing and how it might impact on the performance of organizations among the employees. Information flows and relationships between people should happen both horizontally and vertically. Organizations should posses a culture in which the communication and sharing of knowledge between the employees among all the levels is encouraged. The management should persuade sharing of information and knowledge among the organization, so that all employees become susceptible to the changes happening around them and contribute towards organizational objectives (Johnson et al., 2008). Organizations are pluralistic, in which even distinct and divergent ideas are welcomed and surfaced. In pluralistic settings different ideas emerges from different level of people in the organization. Although being pluralistic might provide an advantage in learning for some organizations, it is very risky for an organization to be pluralistic since it might deceive knowledge. Experimentation is the norm, trying out new ideas might become an important part of the learning process. For example; Wipro Technologies, one of the leading software companies in India tried developing a corporate extensive knowledge management system called KNET through which employees can track, access, exploit and produce knowledge. Although they were not using KNET widely in the initial years, it proved to be very valuable in the recent years of their success. Following the success of KNET, Wipro has developed the same portal system for Microsoft, one of the major clients of Wipro (Wipro, 2010). Organizational learning could be a crucial factor for the companies in gaining advantage in the near future. All the four tenets could be critical in organizations where emergent strategy is considered as a primary source of strategy development. Does structure follow strategy or does strategy follow structure? Organizations seek new strategies for the reason that they offer new opportunities and potential advantages. Before implementing the strategy, a variety of factors needs to be considered because it involves change and risk. The link between structure and strategy is an important aspect to be considered before implementing the strategy. Structure of an organization is a vital factor since the change in corporate strategy might require some sort of change in the manner a firm is structured and in the type of proficiency required in specific positions of the firm (Wheelen Hunger, 2008). According to Thomson Martin 2008, although structures are designed primarily and changed later to fit the intended strategies of an organization, the daily activities and behaviors of people within the structure might lead to significant emergent strategies. A traditional study conducted by Chandler concludes that structure follows strategy after he analyzed the changes in some large U.S. corporations. For example, in the periods of First World War DuPont an explosive company diversified its product range. Research shows that their business failed since they followed the same centralized organizational structure even after diversifying their product range. When they realized the problem, they shifted to decentralized structure since it was congruent with their chosen diversification strategy (Chandler, 1962). In the case of DuPont, the problem was with the structure and if their structure was congruent with their strategy, they would not have faced the problem. Similarly General Motors (GM) also shifted from centralized to decentralized multidivisional structure in 1920s and they found it to be intensely effective in permitting the freedom for product development to each division. Strategy can also follow structure. Although there is no empirical research conducted on structure directing to strategy, many authors support this fact. Although Chandler inscribes that structure follows strategy he has also told that due to the structural changes in GM, brilliant strategies were framed in the making and selling of their products (Hall and Saias, 1980). To conclude, although it is not erroneous to say that structure follows strategy since it is true in most of the cases, proficient organizational structure may also lead to the formation of new strategies. It might depend upon the type of the industry, markets and environments the firms are operating with. Give an example of an organization where resource allocation process (RAP) form part of strategy development. Resource Allocation Process (RAP): RAP is a composite and subtle process which occurs on a daily basis in all organizations. If RAP is not prioritized and linked with the intended strategy of an organization, it might create a disparity between the intended and actual strategy of the organization. In large diversified organizations, the centre plays a vital role in allocating the resources among the diverse strategies proposed by their divisional units. Even small companies operate in the same mechanism but on an informal basis (Lynch, 2009). Both emergent and intended strategic ideas can be filtered through RAP as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: (Source: Christensen Donovan, 2000) Honda at American Markets: During the post world war era, Honda was the supplier of small Supercub motorcycles in the Japanese market. Following the success in the Japanese market, Honda thought of entering the North American market by manufacturing large over the road bikes, since it was suited for American markets. It sent three of its employees to LosAngels to launch the endeavor. But Hondas large bikes were unsuccessful in American markets. After experiencing the market conditions in America, the three employees proposed a plan to sell their small Supercub motorcycles in the American market since they received an informal order for sport bikes from the buyer for the sports equipment of Sears. But the top management filtered their ideas since their strategy in American market were to sell large over the road bikes. After further failure in selling the large bikes, the management considered the plan and the results were surprising. Honda became a successful company in selling its Supercub in the American mar ket (Henry, 2008). RAP in Honda: After this experience Honda approached things in a different manner. As manufacturing volume increased, they planned for some price reduction strategies through appropriate RAP. They became the market leader and competitors were unable to compete with Honda. In terms of the Figure 1, Honda entered American market with an intended strategy and immediately after that although it got emergent inputs such as Sears buyers request of their Supercub, companys RAP filtered out those inputs, since it was not matching with its strategy. Once they persuaded corporate management to change the filter in the RAP, the constituents of winning strategy emerged. Thus, RAP played a vital role in the formation of emergent strategies and in achieving the intended strategies for Hondas success in the US motorcycle industry.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Microsoft Sharepoint Literature Review Computer Science Essay

Microsoft Sharepoint Literature Review Computer Science Essay In this chapter, the author will do research on the literature review on Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0, Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, and Microsoft Forefront Security for Document Libraries. In this chapter the author will discuss about the overview, pros and cons for the software had listed. 1.2 Overview of Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint is developing by Microsoft to use for manages the information and allows users to work in a web-based collaborative software. The Microsoft SharePoint actually got a lot of feature example like manage information, share files, customize and work with office applications. Now in the market normally user will use got two versions, one is Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and another is Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). By these two versions has introduced a lot of new features and technologies compared with the previous version Microsoft SharePoint Services 2.0, these two version not only add new features and also increase the productivity, reliability, manageability, and security for the Microsoft SharePoint product. The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) can only running on Windows Server. For this project, the author has chosen Windows Server 2008 to become the main operating system plat form because the new Windows Server 2008 has improved capabilities of the management, security, reliability, and the performance of the web application. For the most improvement center of the Windows Server 2008 are in the system tools of the Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, Windows PowerShell, and the Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V. The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 got a lot of different. Those different got some feature Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got but the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have. The details of the different between Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) will be discussed on the later chapter. 1.2.1 Comparison of Microsoft SharePoint version Microsoft SharePoint had released few versions for this product. There are some different improvements between few of them. The author had decided to do some comparison between the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007. In this comparison, the author will do all the comparison about those new things and features by these two Microsoft SharePoint versions. Collaboration The collaboration of the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) actually is the same dont have the big different and all the feature of collaboration is help to team of member to keep in touch and easy to use to the all team members. If the team member easy to connected and easy to provide access to the people, document and all those information it will can be more informed decision to get all those job done. The main features of the collaboration actually got 12. In these 12 got included the Issue tracking, document collaboration, surveys, task coordination, email integration, calendars, people and groups lists, blogs, wikis, standard site templates, real-time presence and communication, and the last one is social networking web part. For the last main features is most important one, because in this feature is to use about your organization, communities and electronic communications in the website to connection between colleagues or team member so at the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is dont have this feature compare to the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). Enterprise Portal As the author see from the name of the enterprise portal can know the feature is for enterprise use, so will got many feature Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0 (WSS) dont have but the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) will got. The enterprise portal is talk about the designing, deploying, and the managing enterprise intranet network and the extranet network. First of all, author would like to show is both Microsoft SharePoint versions also got those features first. Both Microsoft SharePoint versions got those features got mobile device support, integration with Microsoft Access 2007/ Excel 2007/ Word 2007/ Outlook 2007, and the last one is integration with SharePoint Designer. Now the author would like to show those features Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have but the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got this kind of features. The first is my personal site, the personal site is to aggregate all those information and the enhancement about this feature is all at the privacy, social networking, and the documents roll up web part. For the feature of content syndication is using the RSS to syndicate content managed, the audience targeting feature is to use the web part pages to content the target distribution lists and groups in addition to SharePoint audiences. The feature of colleagues and memberships web parts is to li st down all the people to let those user know who belong to which groups, the feature of portal site templates is to customization, deployment all those intranet portal sites and extranet portal sites. For the site feature got two, first is site directory and another is site manager. The site directory it will automatic create a site map and present to a easy format to use it, and the site manager is to manage the SharePoint sites security access, navigation and the general look to easy to use it. For the last two features of enterprise portal are privacy and security, and user profiles and profile store. The privacy and security is using some authorization to control who can view my some information in my site. The last one is user profile and the profile store; for this feature is improvement include security control and the multi-valued properties bound to taxonomy from Office SharePoint Server 2007. Enterprise Search Enterprise Search is can say is a powerful tools to let all the member to finish their job by using enterprise search to search all information there want. For the last time need a lot of time to find out all the information, go here go there to find out. But now just using the enterprise search already can search all those information you want cross the entire desktop search with the fast intranet searching capabilities, and most anywhere in your organization. For this tool only got two features is available for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS), why just got two features is available for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS)? Because the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is not suitable for enterprise use so just will got normal function for this version. The normal function for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) got User Interface and Search Result, as we can see the name of the feature already know the function and how to use it, so now the author would like to show the 7 different features between Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have. For the 7 features got Enterprise Content Sources, Relevance, Administration and Management, Indexing Controls, Security, People Search, and the last one is Business Date Search. The feature of Enterprise Content Sources is can scan over 200 types of file a cross many enterprise content sources including all the website, SharePoint site, or the Exchange Public Folder. Anoth er feature is Security, got this feature is no longer required crawler to the administrator permissions, the security-trimmed search results only allow user to see those content they are allow to access. For the Business Data Search is using the Business Data Catalog application as a search result in a SharePoint list. The People search capabilities not just search on different group or job is also can search based on their interest or expertise. The Administration and Management feature is do a lot of improvement, those improvements got like various search, indexing scenarios and central controls for all this is a tools for easy to manage and report. For the Indexing Controls is to easy to control the Granualr and the exclusion of searched content and direct remove all the result of any site or thing. For the last is Relevance is improved about the search algorithms to extraction the best result for the enterprise content. Enterprise Content Management For a good enterprise it will think about how to improved customer communications and increased process efficiency, so normally enterprise will use Enterprise Content Management to organization all those unstructured content includes email, document, web pages and video. For this Enterprise Content Management feature also will at Microsoft SharePoint, so those enterprises would like to organization those unstructured it can use Microsoft SharePoint to easily extend content management to every information worker in an organization. The Enterprise Content Management at Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) only got one feature is functioning. The functioning feature is Document Information Panel, this feature is work like to edit the document properties of Microsoft Office system documents an integral part of the creative experience. Now the author would like to show is about Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got those feature but the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have it. For the Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0 (WSS) dont have those features got about 18 features. Those 18 features are included Business Document Workflow Support, Document Management Site Templates, Integration with Microsoft Information Rights Management (IRM), Document Action Bar, Retention and Auditing Policies, Records Repository, E-mail Content as Records, Legal Holds, High Fidelity Websites with Consistent Branding, Navigation Controls, Content Authoring, Content Publishing and Deployment, Site Templates, Page Layouts, Site Variations, Web content Editor, Slide Libraries, and the last one is Policies, Auditing and Compliance. For all those features actually are to do those customize document and all the content. Business Process Forms The comparison of Business Process Forms between the Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) all the feature are not available on the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) because normally the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is for those small companies to use it so is no need the Business Process Form tool. On the Business Process Forms got 6 features, all included Browser-Based Forms, Centralized Forms Management and Control, Design Once Development Model, Form Import Wizard, Integrated Deployment Model for No-code Forms, and the last one is Compatibility Checker. For the Business Process Forms on the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) is provide a built-in automatic approval of workflow templates, review and archiving process, and also can create, maintain and analyze workflow to simplify your enterprise. The Business Process Form can also collect all those verify from the Microsoft Office client application, if the right to use this information every day. Business Intelligence This Business Intelligence actually is same as Business Process Form at Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 is dont have any feature to use it. But for the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) is not same because SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got 11 features to use it. The Business Intelligence is included Integrated, Flexible Spreadsheet Publishing, Share/ Manage/ and Control Spreadsheets, Web-based Business Intelligence Using Excel Services, Data Connection Libraries, Business Data Catalog, Business Data Web Parts, Business Data Actions, Integrated Business Intelligence Dashboards, Report Center, Key Performance indicators, and the last one is Filter Web Parts. The Business Intelligence on the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) is providing an infrastructure to the decision makers to easy access all those information at anywhere and anytime. Business Intelligence not just for decision maker is also can help worker to keep update information, whether is on the desktop or over the web site. Management The Management tool on the both version is fully available to use it, because Management tool is basic thing to management object model, administration rights, re-parenting, provision the core component of SharePoint, and the last one is the usage analytics. For the feature of the Management got 6 included Configuration Management, Administration User Interface, Delegation, Re-Parenting, Provisioning, and Usage Analytics. Platform For the Platform of the Microsoft SharePoint can separate to 5 categories. The 5 categories got storage, security, management, deployment, site model, and the extensibility. In all this 5 categories totally got 57 features on the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) but for the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) got 51 features. For the 6 feature is not available on Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WS) included Notification Service, Extensibility and Programmability of Search, Excel Spreadsheet Developer Reuse and Extensibility, LDAP Pluggable Authentication Provider, Single Sign-On (SSO), and the last one is the Inteoperand Integration. The Notification Service is to can customizable the alert to the user with automatically and without subscribing in advance, the Extensibility and Programmability of Search is for comprehensive access to Microsoft Search feature. For the Excel Spreadsheet Developer Reuse and Extensibility is to do access to more secure when using web servic es. For the features of LDAP Pluggable Authentication Provide and Single Sign-On (SSO) is actually about the security and authentication when using the Microsoft SharePoint. The last feature is not available on Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is Inteoperand Integration, the Inteoperand Integration actually is those XML Support, SOAP Support, Web Services, Open API and Object Model and WSRP. 1.3 What are document libraries? Document Libraries is based on Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 to collection all the document to share for everyone. Most likely the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0s document feature is going through to the document libraries. As part of document management planning should determine the best part for the document libraries organizations needs. For the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 got two type of document libraries included Document Library and Picture Library. The Document Library is for the general document storage, the Picture Library is for picture storage to share or manage the picture and reuse digital picture. (Plan document libraries (Windows SharePoint Services), 2006) 1.4 Pros and Cons about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0(WSS) In this topic the author will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). 1.4.1 Pros about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0(WSS) With providing the new features by Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS), a company or business can get a lot of benefits on it. The benefits can be separate to 4 types included easy, security, efficiency, and save cost. Easy Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is providing the easy to use collaborative tools to create organization document, receive notification, blog, and wiki to let people connecting with the resource and information they need. This benefit also including easy managing and easy to scale. Security The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) bring the benefit of security is about the advanced administrative control, for this advanced administrative control will increase the security of information resources and will better control all about the site memberships, permission, and storage limit. Efficiency The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is easy to use to will bring out another benefit. Another benefit is efficiency, all because easy to use so will get users up to speed quickly. Save Cost For the SharePoint product, the Microsoft SharePoint Service is free of charge and the Microsoft SharePoint Server with five client access license already US dollar thousand something, if want more to add more is also need to charge more and if want to buy the license for external connector license for one server is about $30,000 so is very expensive if compare with the Microsoft SharePoint Services. 1.4.2 Cons about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) The Cons about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is not suitable for using in business company because in SharePoint Services product is do not have any feature for business if compare with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). The Microsoft SharePoint Server got the entire feature about the business process forms and business Intelligence so SharePoint Server is more suitable for Business Company. (SolutionBase: Understanding the differences between SharePoint Portal Server and the Windows SharePoint Services, 2005) 1.5Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) is a new firewall system to ensure all the unwanted traffic or unknown users from the internet kept it out of an organizations network. Forefront TMG not just use for external network is also can to use in internal network to provide internal users with selective access to internet resource and internet users with selective access to internal resources. Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) is following the ISA Server 2006 to build out the next level of firewall system. Forefront TMG is the next lever of ISA Server 2006 so is also will successor all the feature of the ISA Server 2006, but not just successor. The Forefront TMG also added the new feature application-layer intelligence and the anti-malware to improve the firewall usability, security, and the functionality. Forefront TMG also provided a new policy which used for SharePoint protection through integration with the Microsoft SharePoint Services and Microsoft Forefront Protection for SharePoint Services. (Forefront Threat Management: Overview, 2009) 1.5.1 How Forefront TMG works as a Firewall A firewall is designated which between trusted network and untrusted network. For example, the trusted network is a corporate network and the untrusted network is the internet so want to protect the corporate must put a firewall in between. Normally the firewall is set at the Perimeter Zone, so the firewall can filter all the traffic from untrusted network and trusted network. The firewall is configured with the traffic filtering rules that define the types of network traffic that will be allowed to pass through. Packet Filtering Packet Filtering is check the packet header information for all packets is arrived to the firewall, when the packet filtering check all the header information such as sources address and the destination address. If the packet filtering policy is match with header information it will allow to pass thought the firewall otherwise it will drop the packet or not forwarded thought the firewall. (Forefront Threat Management Gateway: features, 2010) Stateful Filtering Stateful Filtering is to keep track all the network connection such as TCP or UDP. For the firewall is programmed to distinguish the packet isnt legitimate to pass though the firewall, and only the packet is matching the known connection just will allowed by the firewall. (Forefront Threat Management Gateway: features, 2010) Application-Layer Filtering Application-Layer Filtering is to determine whether the packet is allowed or not to pass though the firewall. The application will open the entire packet to examine the data request from the internet web server using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) GET commands, the application filter will check the packet and detect the GET commands. Allowed or not allow is determine by the GET command policy from application filter. (Forefront Threat Management Gateway: features, 2010) Spam Filtering Nows a day dont have a single tool or process can anti all the spam but the Forefront is providing a layered, multipronged and multifaceted to approach to reducing all the spam into the organization. For configure with the setting rules is at the spam filtering tab which is located in Forefront TMG. The Forefront TMG spam filtering includes such as Sender ID, Sender Filtering, Sender Reputation, IP Block, IP Allow, and the Recipient Filtering. For this entire feature in will filter inbound messages in a specific order to approach reducing spam. (Configuring Spam Filtering, 2010) Virus Filtering Forefront TMG is provide the virus filtering to use remove the entire virus before it entry to the organization network to harm the server and computer. Forefront TMGs virus filtering is scanning with multiple engines to detect and remove virus, for the multiple engines can up to five to detect virus. (Chapter2: Selecting and Configuring Antivirus Scan Engines, 2010) 1.6 How Forefront TMG enabled SharePoint Services Web Publishing When using SharePoint Services normally also will using the services to sharing all those file because it will improve all the process efficiency, worker productivity and reducing the cooperate operating costs. So now the SharePoint services is taking to the next level mean SharePoint Services Web Publishing, when publish the SharePoint Services to the internet the Forefront TMG can help the site to the external user without compromising the security of the cooperate. The Forefront TMG got few way to help secure the site to enabled SharePoint Services Web Publishing, all the ways are includes such as Access based on source networks, Access for only encrypted traffic (HTTPS) or for both encrypted and unencrypted traffic, Allowing caching, Access based on time, and the Access based on use groups. (Configuring SharePoint publishing, 2010) 1.7 Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint is software that integrates with SharePoint and Microsoft Forefront TMG to help organization for protect their document libraries from viruses, worm, spam, inappropriate content. For the Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint got 3 ways to protect SharePoint, these 3 ways are include such as Comprehensive Protection, Simplified Management, and the Integrated Protection. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: Overview, 2009) 1.7.1 Comprehensive Protection In Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint, it provides the real-time antivirus and manages multiple scanning engines. Then it also provides the multi-layer protection in SharePoint. Other important features are file filtering and eliminate single points of failure. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: features, 2009) 1.7.2 Integrated Protection In Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint is enabling to give Microsoft SharePoint Services high performance protection without compromising the performance of SharePoint services. It helped the administrator to monitor and manage their SharePoint server easily. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: features, 2009) 1.7.3 Simplified Management The simplifies management is provide the user friendly configuration by Forefront Protection, Forefront Protection is also provided the auto update and monitor collaboration security health so that will easily to know the SharePoint services security situation. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: features, 2009) 1.8 Conclusion In this chapter, the author had learnt about the features in Microsoft SharePoint Services. Microsoft Forefront TMG and Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint had given huge benefits for the SharePoint to protect and maintain the document libraries in an organization. To make the secure document libraries, understanding on these few software is very important before deploying in the network. Chapter 2: Review on the network infrastructure 2.1 Introduction On last chapter, the author had conducted studies about Microsoft SharePoint Services, Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint and Forefront Threat Management Gateway, as well as the problems when deploying those servers into a network. In this chapter, the content is about the planning of deploys the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) in Forefront TMG that based on scenarios that commonly used by todays businesses. Planning is one of the most fundamental aspects of deploying a new network application, no matters it is inside a large business organization or small businesses. As a good planning stage is the main point of deploying a network. Besides that, the author would also discuss the network infrastructure that available in the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). 2.2 Hardware and Software Requirement 2.2.1 Hardware and Software Requirement for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) Stand-alone The minimum hardware requirement for setting up a Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the deployment of Windows Internal Database will show as below: Component Minimum Recommended Processor 2.5  gigahertz (GHz) Dual processors that are each 3  GHz or faster RAM 1  gigabyte (GB) 2  GB Disk NTFS file system-formatted partition with a minimum of 3  GB of free space NTFS file system-formatted partition with 3  GB of free space plus adequate free space for your Web sites Drive DVD drive DVD drive or the source copied to a local or network-accessible drive Display 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 or higher resolution monitor Network 56  kilobits per second (Kbps) connection between client computers and server 56  Kbps or faster connection between client computers and server (Determine hardware and software requirements, 2010) Database For the basic installation, the Windows Internal Database it will automatically installed. If for the advanced installation on the stand-alone computer that already have install the Microsoft SQL Server, and ensure the computer are meets the hardware and software requirements for the database server. Operating System For the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) minimum requirement is Windows Server 2003 with the SP1 and the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) also can run on other Window Server 2003 edition such as: Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition Windows Server 2003 Web Edition Windows Components For the operating system must applied all the critical updates and must to configure the computer become a Web Server by enabling IIS6.0, common files, WWW, and the SMTP. If at Window Server 2008 must have IIS 7.0 installed to install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 with SP1. For another windows component also needed to install like Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 and the ASP.Net before install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). Server Farm The different between a stand-alone and server farm topology is that use more than one computer to host, for the following roles is including Front-end Web server and database server. Front- end Web Server Hardware and software requirement The minimum hardware requirement for setting up a Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the deployment of Windows Internal Database will show as below: Component Minimum Recommended Processor 2.5  GHz Dual processors that are each 3  GHz or faster RAM 2  GB More than 2  GB Disk NTFS file system-formatted partition with a minimum of 3  GB of free space NTFS file system-formatted partition with 3  GB of free space plus adequate free space for your data storage requirements Drive DVD drive DVD drive or the source copied to a local or network-accessible drive Display 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 or higher resolution monitor Network  · 56  Kbps connection between client computers and server  · For connections between computers in your server farm, 100  Mbps connection  · 56  Kbps or faster connection between client computers and server  · For connections between computers in your server farm, 1  Gbps connection (Determine hardware and software requirements, 2010) Operating System For the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) minimum requirement is Windows Server 2003 with the SP1 and the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) also can run on other Window Server 2003 edition such as: Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition Windows Server 2003 Web Edition Windows Components For the operating system must applied all the critical updates and must to configure the computer become a Web Server by enabling IIS6.0, common files, WWW, and the SMTP. If at Window Server 2008 must have IIS 7.0 installed to install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 with SP1. For another windows component also needed to install like Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 and the ASP.Net before install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). Database Server For the hardware and software requirement is same as front-end Web Server but the database server role must at least have SQL Server 2000 latest service pack or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP1 or later. 2.2.2 Hardware and Software Requirement for Microsoft Forefront TMG The minimum hardware and software requirement for setting up a Microsoft Forefront TMG show as below: (System requirements for Forefront TMG, 2010) 2.2.3 Hardware and Software Requirement for Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint The minimum hardware and software requirement for setting up a Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 show as below: (Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint: System Requirement, 2010) 2.3 Study on the existing network infrastructure for SharePoint Services In this topic, the author will do some research about existing network for Microsoft SharePoint Services on the internet source. Some briefly explanation on the diagram will given that show as below: Figure 2.1 (Forefront Security for SharePoint: Extranet Solution, 2010) The author has found the diagram via internet site which is publishing by This diagram is a network diagram for a organization with multiple servers and multiple protection. A computer has been configured as a Forefront Security for SharePoint, Forefront Server Security Management Console, and the firewall is using the Intelligent Application Gateway 2007. In this network infrastructure is using two products to

Family Values and Frankenstein :: Frankenstein essays

Family Values and Frankenstein My greatest memories are of my mother making pear pies, my father letting me help to fix the bathroom sink, and sitting down to dinner together. We don't always get along or support each other when we need it most, but I consider myself lucky to have two parents who love me and try to give me what I need to survive in this world. While my family is not perfect I appreciate what I do have in comparison to the monster in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. With no father, mother, love, or acceptance, the monster is cast out into a world which judges him on his hideous appearance. He has no one to learn from or look to for advice, like I and most other American children do. Times have changed since our parents were children and families today face different challenges than those of a decade or two ago. Over the past few decades the concept of family has been revolutionized. A "traditional" family no longer consists of two parents of the opposite sex in which the father is the "breadwinner," and the mother stays at home to raise the children. Today's family is as diverse as the world it must exist in. The important thing about today's family is that success does not just happen; a strong family takes effort. The "secret" to attaining a strong family, according to the 1985 book Secrets of Strong Families, by Nick Stinnett and John Defrain, involves commitment, appreciation, communication, time, spiritual wellness, and coping ability (14). While this seems like a six-step program, it makes a lot of sense. The family must come first in family, thus, commitment. Sexual fidelity, traditions, and sacrifice make a family stronger by creating close ties with the family members (Defrain and Stinnett 21-39). Appreciation involves the children doing the dishes every once in a while, surprising your wife with flowers, or a trip to McDonalds. Communication is key in any type of relationship, especialy in a family. No one wants to be alone in this world, and communication helps to build a sense of belonging and solve problems (Defrain and Stinnett 62-63). Spending "quality" time together is important for a family.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay on Imagery, Language, and Sound in Whats That Smell in the Kitch

Imagery, Language, and Sound in What's That Smell in the Kitchen? Marge Piercy is an American novelist, essayist, and poet best known for writing with a trademark feminist slant. In "What's That Smell in the Kitchen?" Marge Piercy explores the way women are sometimes held in low esteem by men through the eyes of a tired housewife who has had it with her monotonous day- to-day duties. In this poem, it is not stated that the speaker is a homemaker, but the reader is told about one woman in particular who is meant to express the feelings of women as a whole. The author conveys this central idea through imagery, figurative language, and devices of sound. In the first lines of "What's That Smell in the Kitchen?" the author makes her point that women are burning dinners all over America. This gives us a general idea of what the poem will be about, yet it makes us want to read on to see why this would be happening; in other words, it triggers our curiosity. The author goes on to describe foods that are common to certain cities in the United States, bringing about a very gustatory and olfactory image in the mind of the reader. Following this, the author uses repetition to emphasize her introductory statement yet again, and adds an additional phrase, ". . . women are burning/food they're supposed to bring with calico/smile on platters glittering like wax." This statement is somewhat ironic, because it conveys an image of a very "false" woman, something like a mechanical doll or robot, or even like the flawless "model mom" figure of June Cleaver of the television series "Leave it to Beaver." Not only do we picture a woman in an apron with an artificial smile but Piercy alludes... can be interpreted as "Once I was first-rate with all the trimmings but now I'm low-class junk." Spam is a cheap processed meat whereas roast duck is assumed to be one of the best meats there is; therefore she has been cheapened or degraded by the lack of gratitude on the part of her spouse, and society. She is expressing the fact that society expects women to play the role of "little wife" with no concern for the individual's own interests. Also, the woman in the poem is comparing her drive to food, and since this poem is image-laden with war and food, we can say that Piercy is writing of a war with food, where women are using food as their primary weapon against men (the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!) It is in this way that Piercy develops her view that women are the lesser gender in the eyes of men and shares her refusal to conform.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

License to Procreate

Caroline McCall Philosophy 211 Stephen Everett, Section 001 October, 12, 2012 License to Procreate The question â€Å"should people procreate† is a very opinionated one. There is no right or wrong answer just a personal opinion based on facts to support it, I happen to side with Hugh Lafollette in his essay â€Å"Licensing Parents†. I will argue that before people are allowed to procreate they should have to obtain a license which gives them the right to produce and raise children. Otherwise they should not be allowed any children until they have the license.First I will look at it from the child’s point of view and explain how it is rational for them. Second I will look at the reasoning and policies of this theory. Finally I will discuss how it would change the modern today and how it would be implemented. The licensing idea came about to protect children from harm. When children are little they cannot defend themselves and have no one but their parents to depen d on. â€Å"Each year more than half a million children are physically abused or neglected by their parents.Many millions more are psychologically abused or neglected, not given love, respect, or a sense of self-worth† (Lafollette 438). Children need constant care and support, some people are just not suitable to give the attention and love that a baby requires. An analogy of this would be a small puppy. My roommates and I really wanted a puppy for our house this year and one of the girls volunteered for it to be mainly hers so she would take it home with her during breaks and continuously watch it.When we went to the pet store they would not let us have a dog because we were college kids and they said we didn’t have the time that the puppy needed devoted to it. A couple weeks later we called and asked if there was any way we could get one still and they said we need to know your schedules, where it will at all times, who will be the main caregiver, and we need parenta l support. So in the end we ended up getting a five week old German Shepherd Lab mix, but only with the consent of someone who had accountable credibility.When I think of this I think of how we had every right to get a dog if we wanted to but we needed to understand what getting a puppy entailed, just like how parents have rights to a child but they need to understand that they have to have accountable credibility to raise a child. â€Å"Both slander and human sacrifices are prohibited by law; both could result from the unrestricted exercise of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Thus, even if people have these rights, they may sometimes be limited in order to protect innocent people. † (Lafollette 440).Parents do have a right to bear children, but children have a right to a good and beneficial life. Are the parent’s rights more valuable or important than the child’s? Is it right to say that the parent is being selfish or self-centered if they bring a chi ld into the world that they cannot securely support? I think so because it is the parent’s duty to provide their child with the best life possible and to make sure they succeed the best they can. Just like with adopting the puppy there are tons of qualifications that you have to meet when adopting a child.My family adopted my sister when we were both six years old. I was very small but I can still remember some of the process that we had to go through. We had to go sign a ton of papers and then we had numerous interviews with both of the families. They wanted to make sure that we could afford another child so they looked at my parent’s incomes, their house, where we lived, how many kids they already had, how much time they could spend with the kids, etc. There were so many questions that we were asked just to make sure that she was going to be safe in our house.My mother was a stay at home mom so she had plenty of time to spend with us and we were able to afford for Ra chel, my sister, to be a part of our family. I know that if you are trying to adopt an infant the regulations are even tighter. Your house has to baby proofed and you have to have everything already ready for the baby when it comes home. If people have to go through those processes to get a puppy or even a child then why are we not requiring the biological families to do the same thing? Despite the trauma children often face before they are finally adopted, they are five times less likely to be abused than children reared by their biological parents. † (Lafollette 446). When you adopt you have planned and dreamed of having this child instead of a mistake that you are now stuck with. When you plan on having a child and are expecting it or wanting it there would be less resentment or frustration towards that child. Having this process or program would definitely change the way the world is today. It would reduce or diminish the babies produced for welfare checks.Seeing as how my sister was one of those babies its terrible for parents to be dependent on the welfare checks which is for the children but it doesn’t end up actually helping the children to an equal or successful life. This just goes to show an example of the parent that would not be given a license because they do not care about the child’s well-being they just want the money that keeps coming in as long as they keep having babies. If this program were to be implemented in order to get your license you would need to take classes and tests.The classes would consist of nutritional information, hygiene information, health hazards, descriptions of behaviors and actions at certain ages, and basic needs for the child. I would also like to include a fake baby session where the couple or parent has to then take home a fake baby, one that can cry and be recorded so that the teacher can later look at the records and determine whether or not they are ready for their license. Some high school students do this experiment but I think it would be highly effective for adults to try as well.After the classes I would like for some tests to be run on the potential parent or couple. A background check for previous violent or abusive records would obviously need to be looked into. Adults with an abusive or violent past from their parents or guardians are more likely to abuse their children than people who had a happy childhood. These adults are also less likely to be overall happy. After considering my third statement some might say that it intrudes on our constitutional rights. However, I do not agree with that because it’s just like having a driver’s license.You have the right to drive a car if you would like to but because It can put someone else that is innocent in danger they make regulations that allow you to drive or not. These regulations are put in place to keep everyone safe and happy. So you may drive a car without a license but if you get pulled over the re are going to be consequences because you may have put others’ lives in danger. Just like with having a child you have the right to have a child but because you are not licensed to have one you may be putting the innocent child’s life at risk and there will be punishments for it. The punishment for having an unlicensed child would e something like adoption. If for some reason you happen to get pregnant you can apply for the license as many times as you would like but if the infant is born without a license then it would be taken into the adoption agencies custody. It doesn’t violate your rights as an adult because that child has a right to fair and equal life just as you did when you were a child. An adult’s life’s choices or rights do not overcome a baby’s right. If you cannot provide the basics for a child then you should not be able to take it into a situation where it will never have an equal chance to succeed or be happy.Overall I hav e argued that people should not be allowed to procreate unless licensed through a process of interviews, tests, and classes where they will be evaluated to whether or not they would be acceptable parents. The children have a right to a successful and happy life because they are innocent people that have to have someone responsible to rely on to help make that happen. If the parents take the classes which teach them about how to be a great parent and help the child there should be no reason for them to fail unless they did not try or had a violent or abusive past and/or present.I couldn’t imagine not having my sister and I know that she would not be the person she is today had she not been adopted by my family. She has had a very successful past and has a very bright future. Situations like this definitely make modern day society better for children. This program would eventually shape this nation to where there would be less abuse and violence towards children and support hap pier adults in the long run. Sources Shafer-Landau, Russ. The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Problems. New York: Oxford UP, 2012. Print.