Monday, September 30, 2019

Health Care Usa vs. France

Comparison of the Health Care Systems: France and the United States| Yet in 1948 the United Nations proclaimed that, â€Å"everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and one's family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care. † We should understand that health care should be considered a human right, rather than an economical benefit. However, there are two hundred countries in the World and many of them still lack an adequate health care system. Throughout the World health, except the U. S. , care systems tend to follow general patterns.There are four basic models: Beveridge, Bismarck, the National health insurance, and the out-of-pocket. The Beveridge model named after the founder of British health care system William Beveridge. According to McCanne (2010), the majority of hospitals and clinics are owned by government. In this model the government is a sole payer, which controls the costs of medical expenses. T herefore, there is the tendency for low cost per capita. The second model of health care named after a founder of European welfare Otto von Bismarck. The major principle of this system based on the insurance plans, which financed jointly by employers and employees.Moreover, the insurance plans are non-profit and cover everyone. The government tightly regulates and controls the health system, that allows to keep low medical costs. The third model is a the National health insurance model. It uses private sector of health providers, but payments come from a government based insurance, to which every citizen must pay. The National health insurance controls and keeps low prices for medical services, and tend to be cheaper and simpler administratively. The last and most disorganized health system follows the out-of-pocket model.The major principle of that system based on the money and basically people with money can get the medical assistance, whereas poor get sicker or die. According to the World health report (2000) released by World Health Organization, France is the country that provides the best health care. The same report states, â€Å"The U. S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance. † The question is, why equally strong, politically and economically, countries have such significant difference of health care performance?Certainly, one of the major dissimilarity of the systems is the difference of health care models. The French health system rigorously follows only one, as most of European countries, the Bismarck's model. At first glance it seems to be very similar to the American; both countries widely use an insurance system, where employers and employee are both responsible for an insurance payment. However, in contrast to USA, the biggest fundamental difference between the two systems is that the Bismarck-type health insurance plans ha ve to cover everybody, and they do not make a profit.Opposite to France, the United States of America does not follow any of the models of health care. American health care system have elements of all of the models. When it comes to treating veterans, it becomes a government owned and controlled system, as Beveridge model. For Medicare dependant Americans and population over the age of 65, our health care system uses the model of National Health Insurance, otherwise known as universal health system, which tends to be cheaper and simpler. The health care system of a working population, who gets insurance through the employer, is more aligned with the Bismarck model.Finally, for those fifteen percent of Americans, who do not have any health care insurance the current system becomes an Out-of-Pocket Model, which is primarily used in Third World countries. Most of health care industries in the World, in order to be efficient, try to meet only three of the models, but very important basi cs: costs, quality and access. All those major elements of a health care system have a complex and often challenging nature; they often interlace with each other, what leads to a conglomerate of hard solvable health care issues.For example, the quality of care is tightly bounded to the cost of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. Consequently, the high cost of health care puts access restrictions for certain populations. Therefore, one of the major health industry concerns is access to quality and affordable health care. The French health care system combines universal coverage with a public–private mix of hospital and ambulatory care, higher levels of resources, and a higher volume of service provision than in the United States (Rodwin, 1993) As shown in Table 1, France has a higher physicians' density per population than USA.Moreover, there is a significant difference, of more than 50%, between physicians of general practice and more disparity in more specialized practice s. It demonstrates that French health care is based on more generalized medicine, than the US, where high costly specialty medicine is common practice. Table 1, Health Care Resources: France and United States, 1997–2000. American Journal of Public Health 2003 Resources| France| US| Active physicians per 1000 population| 3. 3 | 2. 8| Active physicians in private, office-based practice per 1000 population| 1. 9| 1. | General/family practice, %| 53. 3| 22. 5| Obstetricians, pediatricians, and internists, %| 7. 5| 35. 6| Other specialists, %| 39. 2| 41. 0| Non-physician personnel per acute hospital bed| 1. 9 | 5. 7 | Total inpatient hospital beds per 1000 population| 8. 5| 3. 7| Short-stay hospital beds per 1000 population| 4. 0| 3. 0| Share of public beds, %| 64. 2| 19. 2| Share of private beds, %| 35. 8| 80. 8| Proprietary beds as percentage of private beds, %| 56| 12| Nonprofit beds as percentage of private beds, %| 44| 88| Share of proprietary beds, %| 27| 10. 7| France and t he U. S. ace a crises of unprecedented scope. Both countries possess large and growing elderly populations that threaten to push the pace of health care price increases even higher than their already faster-than-inflation rates. (Dutton, 2011) However, France has wide access to comprehensive health services for a population that is, on average, older than that of the United States (Rodwin, 1993). France and the United States, relies on both private insurance and government insurance. In both countries, working populations generally receive their insurance through their employer. However, French health care s based on the National Health Insurance and there is no uninsured population. French national insurance covers about 70 percent of the medical bills, the rest of the 30 percents is paid by private insurance companies, which are typically provided and paid by employer. Furthermore, contradictory to the common American opinion, that universal health care system does not allow one t o choose doctors, hospitals and clinics, French people are not restricted in their choice of medical professionals and institutions, and they freely navigate themselves from doctor to doctor (Imai, Jacobzone, Lenain, 2000).In contrast to that, certain American HMOs allow their members to visit doctors strictly in their systems. The other tremendous distinction of the French health care system is that there is no discrimination of people with preexisting conditions. Moreover, individuals with preexisting conditions have a priority and receive more coverage; patients with long-standing diseases, such as mental illness, cancer, diabetes, obtain 100 percent governmental support for all medical expenses, including surgeries, therapy and pharmaceutical agents (Imai et. al. , 2000).At a final point, most of American's health budget oriented on the end of life diseases, which as a rule, heavily involve costly sophisticated technology and procedures, that enormously brings operating cost up. At the same time USA still neglects major successful health care steps such as disease prevention and public health education. This perhaps explains, in spite of impressive achievements in the biomedical science and technology the US do not have a better health care performance. References Dutton,V. P. (2011). Health care in France and the United States: Learning from each other. Imai, Y. Jacobzone, S. , Lenain, P. (2000). The changing health system in France. France: Economics department, organization for economic cooperation and development. p. 268. McCanne, D. (2010). Health Care Systems – Four Basic Models. Physicians for a National Health Program, p. 1 Rodwin V, Sandier S. 2003; Health care under French national health insurance. 12(3):113–131. American Journal of Public Health 2003 The universal declaration of human rights. Article 25. (1948) World Health Organization, (2000). The world health report 2000 – World Health Organization Assesses the World's H ealth Systems.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana in the United States

I. Introduction Marijuana has been one of the most researched drugs in the history of pharmacology, and there is still considerable disagreement about its short-term and long-term effects. It was made an illicit drug in the United States, and many states have established harsh penalties for those convicted of possession of even small amounts. In the recent years, there has been a move toward decriminalization of marijuana (Bock, 2000). Marijuana is the name given in the United States to the drug produced from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The use of cannabis derivatives under such names as hashish, charas, bhang, and ganja is widespread throughout the world. The most active ingredient of the plant derivative is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The potency of this chemical is indicated by the fact that the average street sample of marijuana contains less than .5% THC (Weisheit, 1992). Some samples are considerably higher in THC content; thus, effects from the drug vary according to its quality, meaning its THC content.   The flowering parts of the plant contain the greatest amounts of THC (Goode, Pp. 567-575). These are usually dried and smoked, but they may be made into a drink somewhat like tea or blended into various cooking recipes. Somehow, marijuana has been used for some medications but it is not a valid ground to legalize it because it has negative effects to human bodies. Moreover, marijuana is still illegal in most places. Under federal law a person can be sentenced to up to one year in jail or a $5000 fine, or both, for simple possession of marijuana. Every year about 400,000 people are arrested for possession; about 80 percent are under age 26. II. Background A. Why should it be legalized? I personally agree that marijuana should be legalized because it is being used as legal medical therapy for several conditions. Careful studies have shown that it is effective in treating severe nausea in cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. Older patients seem to respond less well than younger patients and complain more about side-effects, including feeling â€Å"stoned.† Researchers are continuing studies of marijuana’s possible usefulness in reducing pressure within the eye in glaucoma and in treating muscle spasticity (Earleywine, 2002). Most people use marijuana for the altered states it produces. These states are a little easier to control than those produced by other hallucinogenic drugs, unless the dosage is very high. At low to moderate dosages, hallucinations are not present. Instead, the person typically reports of calmness, increased sensory awareness, changes in space and time, and increased appetite, often with a craving for sweets. In addition, marijuana has been used for thousands of years, both as a medicine and for its intoxicating effects. In the form of tablets, marijuana is frequently prescribed to relieve the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy. Moreover, most people use marijuana for the altered states it produces (Kreit, 2003).   These states are a little easier to control than those produced by other hallucinogenic drugs, unless the dosage is very high. At low to moderate dosages, hallucinations are not present. Instead, the person typically reports of calmness, increased sensory awareness, changes in space and time, and increased appetite, often with a craving for sweets. Many researchers too have concluded that smoking marijuana is no more dangerous, and perhaps even less so, than smoking cigarettes or using alcohol (Nadelmann, 2004). B. Pros and Cons Many perceptual and emotional effects follow marijuana smoking. Sensory experience may become more intense; smells are richer, textures feel more sensuous, objects are seen as more beautiful, sounds are more brilliant, and ideas flow more freely, although they may be disjointed. The person may experience an emotional high in which he or she feels joyful, tranquil, and happy. The effects of marijuana, however, are like those of other drugs; they very much depend on the person and the setting. Taken in a pleasant, relaxed social situation, marijuana can be quite unpleasant (Earleywine, pp. 123-156). Also, people who are naturally paranoid, suspicious, or aggressive may become more so under the influence of marijuana; the calm, better-adjusted users are more apt to experience a euphoric high. Its non-medical use, however, is illegal in the United States and most other countries. The penalties for possessing or using marijuana are, in many states, as severe as those imposed for the possession or use of much more potent drugs (Goode, 2000). Many argue that marijuana is no more harmful than cigarettes and liquor and should be legalized. The growing consensus of research on marijuana would suggest that it is not a safe drug. Indeed, it is doubtful whether any drug taken frequently by choice is advisable. The issue, though, is frequency of use. The literature on chronic users of marijuana—that is, people who use it a lot and over a long period of time—suggests rather strongly that there are serious deficits in some cognitive abilities such as memory. In addition, heavier users experience some undesirable personality changes, problems with sleep, deficits in psychomotor abilities such as driving, and changes in motivational levels that produce apathy and a lack of striving for achievement (Schlosser, 1994). Finally, there are a number of factors that influence the effect of a particular drug. There are factors associated with the drug, including its purity and the method of its purity and the method of its administration. Subject variables that are important include body weight, metabolic rate, whether or not the person has eaten, general state of health, and previous experience with the drug. In trying to predict how any one person will react to a drug, these factors, and many others, must be taken into account. But there is another important variable that plays a major role in drug reactions, and too often its effects are overlooked (Souder, 1998). That variable is the user’s expectation of the drug’s effect. Research has shown that the experience many drug users will have is not just a result of the physiological and biochemical changes produced by the drug, but also depends on how they think they are supposed to respond, or how they see others around them responding. These factors must also be considered when evaluating the reasons for altered states of consciousness through drug use. a.) Respiratory effects: Because marijuana smoke is deeply inhaled, retained in the lungs, and contains many of the same harmful ingredients as tobacco smoke, users show signs of impaired lung functioning when compared to nonusers. Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains carcinogenic agents, but since many pot smokers also tobacco, it has been hard to isolate marijuana’s impact on lung cancer. At this point, the evidence is merely suggestive (Earleywine, 2002). b.) Immune system:   Animal studies have suggested that marijuana can dampen the body’s resistance to disease, but no studies have been done to confirm or refute this danger in human beings (Earleywine, 2002). c.) Mental effects: While there is no evidence that marijuana causes the brain to shrink, it can lead to amotivational syndrome, which researchers define as a mental dulling, emotional blunting, and loss of drive and goal-directedness (Earleywine, 2002). III. Conclusion In conclusion, in the last decade marijuana dealing has become a multibillion-dollar business, ranking right behind General Motors and Exxon. Throughout the world, marijuana seems to be the fourth most popular mind-altering drug, following caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. However, marijuana use seems to be on the decline nationally, especially among young people in high school and college. At low moderate doses, marijuana acts somewhat like alcohol and some tranquilizers, and like alcohol, the drug takes effects within minutes. Unlike alcohol, marijuana at low doses does not dull sensation but may cause slight alterations in perception, so that it is unsafe to drive a car for as long as 4 to 6 hours after a single joint. After the thorough studies, I therefore conclude that marijuana should be legalized because it has positive effects if properly used. On the other hand, the use of marijuana should be case to case basis and should only be used for medications. Reference: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Belenko, S. R. (2001). Drugs and Drug Policy in America: A Documentary History. Greenwood Press. Westport, CT. Pp. 34-67. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bock, Alan W. (2000). Waiting to Inhale: The Politics of Medical Marijuana. Seven Locks. Santa Ana, CA. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Earleywine, M. (2002). Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence. Oxford University Press. New York. Pp. 123-156. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Goode, E. (2000). Marijuana. Atherton. Chicago. Pp. 567-575. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kreit, Alex (2003). The Future of Medical Marijuana: Should the States Grow Their Own? University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 151 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nadelmann, Ethan A. (2004). An End to Marijuana Prohibition: The Drive to Legalize Picks Up. National Review, Vol. 56 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Weisheit, Ralph A. (1992). Domestic Marijuana: A Neglected Industry. Greenwood Press. New York. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Schlosser, Eric (1994). Marijuana and the Law. The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 274 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Souder, Mark (1998). Q: Is the Government's War against Marijuana Justified as Public Policy? Insight on the News, Vol. 13.   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Wide Array of Conflicts in the Film 300 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Wide Array of Conflicts in the Film 300 - Essay Example 300 is one of the biggest budget movies in recent memory and yet another comic book movie that uses new technology to make an incredible visual display. 300 is a fundamentally a tragedy, with nearly every major character dying through the course of the movie, and a very serious, dramatic (if overblown) treatment of the topic. The basic plot is that a Persian king, Xerxes I of Persia, who is on the path of world conquest, decides to invade Greece and take over the entire area. Because it is a time of celebration, the King of Sparta must ask sages whether he is allowed to take the army of Sparta, a Greek city-state focused on martial prowess, to go head off Xerxes. The sages, who are under the pay of the Persian Empire, decline his offer, paving the way for invasion by Persia. The King of Sparta decides to side-step this issue, by going for â€Å"a walk† with a â€Å"personal bodyguard† of only three hundred soldiers, to go defend a narrow mountain pass that the Persians must use to enter Greece. They then go on to beat back wave after wave of Persian troops, inflicting huge casualties. Eventually, all three hundred of the Greek soldiers are killed, but the psychological damage they inflicted ended up being decisive, with the Persian army, who had lost so many thousands fighting only three hundred Spartan warriors baulk at facing the full force of Sparta when they invade the city. The style of this is incredibly overblown and artistic. Everything from the gore to the monsters to the regular characters is heavily re-done through computer generated graphics, and the entire style is fantastical, trying to match the comic book style of its predecessor.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing Communications Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Marketing Communications Plan - Essay Example 4). A marketing communication plan aims at building market awareness of a product or service. It also aims at coming up with the ways and means of reaching the market and impacting it as much as possible The product in this marketing communication plan is the iPhone and this plan has been designed using the SOSTT+4Ms structure (Blythe 2006, p. 53) IPhone is a brand of smartphones created and marketed by the Apple brand. It was introduced for the first time in the market in 2007 and has undergone four transformations. Currently, the most advanced of the iPhones is the iPhone 4, which has greater capability than the first three generations of iPhones that were introduced into the market. The first two models of the iPhones have ceased being produced. IPhones were the first to add a compass and a front facing camera to their features. The first iPhone was made public in 2007 and it immediately received massive approval in the market with millions of sales being made in the months to come. A year later the iPhone 3G was introduced in the market again and in 2009 the iPhone 3GS was introduced. This latest model was much cheaper than the others, as Apple was making an attempt to get a hold of a larger market than with the first two generations of iPhones. With the iPhone 4 being the latest model in the market, the iPhone 3GS is the cheapest model in the market (Apple Inc., 2011). Upon the introduction of the iPhones into the market, sales have shot through the roof. Millions of sales were made in the first few quarters of the existence of the iPhones in the market. By the end of the financial year 2010, there were more than 72 million units of iPhones sold all over the world. It is expected that 2011 will show a tremendous improvement in these figures thanks to the introduction of the iPhone 4 into the market. Currently, the iPhone holds more than 50% of the worlds profit in mobile phone sales and has for a while

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Possible Product and Service of Zappos com Case Study

The Possible Product and Service of Zappos com - Case Study Example It is essential to determine that such a strategy in any way contributed to the success in shoes or whether it would be able to replicate the success in other product lines. It is also fundamental to determine how the company could scale the business with revenues of tens of billions. Moreover, the major effort of the company was to â€Å"wow† its customers by providing with maximum customer satisfaction. The market faced a hard situation as the economic scenario varied dramatically in late 2008, together with financial market collapsing and recession. Unlike the other many websites selling at the lower price during the period, the service-intensive company’s business was based on sales at the little discount or no discount. Evaluating the competencies o the organization would enable us to understand the chain issues and other critical elements to company’s success. Zappos always strives to foster a culture that understands the impact of working capital on the profitability of the firm. The process of decision making and the daily activities of the firm must be carried out on the basis of working capital management analysis. The company manages the decision making through a cross-functional communication system. The decision making is used to drive and maximize the working capital performance of the firm. also has already developed a training program to impart working capital management principles into practice. The management team utilizes the decision-making process to integrate capital management into the fabric of organizational culture. In the same way, the process of decision making in the routine activities reveals the glowing significance of cash management. It helps the management in all forms of risk management within the firm. The organization takes record of the important decision and measures taken by the management team.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nike Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nike - Research Paper Example This helped the firm a lot because it enabled the company the ability to raise money for future expansion. In 1985 Nike made its best decision ever by signing rookie basketball star, Michael Jordan, to a sponsorship contract. Jordan was given signature shoes which became extremely popular among the youth. The success of the Air Jordan shoes made Nike the industry leader. Innovations such as the external air bags made Nike products unique from the competition. Nike used superior marketing campaigns to showcase its products. It’s slogan â€Å"Just do it† was created in 1988. A year later Nike signed another popular athlete, Bo Jackson, which helped the company increased its market share in the cross training product segment. In 1996 Nike signed another incredible athlete to become a sponsor in gulf superstar Tiger Woods. Today Nike has become the world’s leading innovator in footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories (Nikeinc). In fiscal year 2013 Nike Corporation generated total revenues of $25.13 billion and a net income of $2.48 billion. The firm is very well managed led by its CEO and President Mark Parker. Phillip H. Knight is the Chairman of the board of directors. The company has many popular brands including Converse, Hurley International, Jordan brand, and Nike Gulf. Its branding strategy has helped the company obtain a tremendous customer retention rate. Based on Pareto’s 80/20 rule 80% of a company’s sales come from 20% of its customers. In the late 1990’s Nike was involved in a sweatshop scandal that hurt its reputation and depleted its sales by 50% a year after the revelation of the scandal, but since then the firm has cleaned up its act to become one of the most socially responsible companies in the world. â€Å"The Nike Foundation works to unleash the unique potential of adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves and for the world† (Nikeinc). Nike believes in the value of cultural diversity. It has several

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 39

Case study - Essay Example It must be noted that at the present moment my career as well as family life are in harmony. On the one hand, I am able to pay sufficient amount of attention towards matter that contribute to my development as a professional. On the other hand, I feel that I always have to spend with my family and I can hardly recall any instances when I had to experience any difficulties because of work in terms of my work life balance. Nevertheless, if I think about the issue in question in the long run, I might point out that the mindset of corporate America does not really suit me when it comes to harmonizing work and family. I see that the government has taken a rather radical position with regard to maternity leave. I do acknowledge the fact that capitalism and free market by far constitute the fundamental beliefs of the American way of life; however, similar to many people, I am strongly convinced that the government is able to do better when it comes to caring after its citizens. If 160 other countries in the world were able to adopt a similar practice and did not collapse, then the United States might follow the suit as well (Shaw & Barry, 2015, 451). The question whether the United States should require companies to provide paid maternity leave is extremely controversial. On the one hand, this is exactly what people want it to. In spite of the fact that there are numerous generations of families who raised their children without paid maternity leave, the majority of the public feels that this might be a valuable contribution to their welfare. On the other hand, there is a considerable number of people who dislike socialism and would oppose to any elements of it being introduced into the capitalistic American society. That is why the government should not require companies to provide paid maternity leave as it would distort the economic environment within the country. In addition to that, if a company

Monday, September 23, 2019

Review of the Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Review of the Literature - Essay Example Research Elements: To demonstrate the content of the research, the researcher used quantitative research methodology. The means of the patients undertaking the PD program that had completed 2 to 3 training lessons prior to placement on the catheter. Outcome(s): From the study, it was discovered that out of the 90 patients that were treated for three months, most of them benefited from continuous education (Barone et al., 2011). Significance to Nursing and Patient Care: This study is useful since it explains that in as much the training programs were varied, the outcomes of the patients undergoing PD improved since a good number learn the different aspects of how to change an individual’s treatment program Summary of Article: In this work, Bernardini (2010) explains that Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) was regarded as a common infection for patients in the era of continuous ambulatory PD. However, it was extremely challenging to get the best treatment for peritonitis as well as determine the risk factors for peritonitis and how to prevent the same. Research Elements: Qualitative research methodology was used. To establish the content of the research, author used literature review to assess the level of infection of the patients from the 1970s and 1980s once in 6-12 months in an effort to assess the possibility of infection among these patients (Bernardini, 2010). Through repetitive tasks such as use of the catheter led to the patients adhere to the different connection procedures. Outcome(s): It was found out that the PD nurses can easily train patients on the principles of adult education; thus, inculcate them with skills that allow for evidence based practice and ultimately minimizing the risks of peritonitis through redirecting behavior among the patients. Significance to Nursing and Patient Care: This study is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dimensions of Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dimensions of Culture - Research Paper Example This means that people in the United States do not conform to each other and operate while giving precedence to their own interest over the interest of the society and their family (, 2009). In the context of the cultural dimension of masculinity, Americans experience more of a masculine cultural orientation. This is because in the United States more preference is given to the values of individual attainments as well as individual success as compared to the feminine cultural values such as caring for others. The American citizens have no issues in managing and acting in uncertain situations. The citizens of America are more likely to face new challenges and new scenarios in a positive manner and are always ready to accept change. Lastly, the people of the United States do not have a future oriented approach in their life (, 2015). They are more likely to live in the present and care about the present. This can be witnessed through the fact that th e people in the United States do not plan on saving money and using it later in life and they rather obtain goods and services on credit and pay for them as they

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Letter from Birmingham City Jail Essay Example for Free

Letter from Birmingham City Jail Essay Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King wrote the Letter from Birmingham Jail in an exceedingly effective way. King used his intelligence, virtue, and honesty to write an appropriate reply to the criticism he received. He also used logic and emotional appeal. In the first paragraph King says, Since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and your criticisms are sincerely set forth He gives the ministers importance. He recognizes that these men are of genuine food and accepts their sincere criticism with humbleness. Dr. Martin Luther King says, I am sure that each of you would want to go beyond the superficial social analyst who looks merely at effects and does not grapple with underlying causes. He demonstrated that he knows and respects that the ministers are intelligent and that they are in agreeance in some aspects. He later says, But I have tried to say that this is normal and healthy discontent can be channelized through the creative outlet of nonviolent direct action. Now this approach is being dismissed as extremist. I must admit that I was initially disappointed in being categorized. King expresses his beliefs as to be called an extremist. He does not believe his nonviolent actions should be labeled extremist. Dr. King says, If I have said anything in this letter that is an overstatement of the truth and is indictive of an unreasonable impatience, I beg you to forgive me. In this statement, he not only apologizes for any exaggerations, he also shows a great deal of respect to them. King says, Anyone who lives in the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere in this country. King gives the ministers a feel of belonging. As long as they live in the Unites States they will be accepted. King later says, Like so many experiences of the past, we were confronted with blasted hopes and the dark shadow of a deep disappointment settled upon us. King describes his disappointments as dark shadows creating an image for his audience to relate to. He says, For years now, I have heard the word Wait! It rings in the ear of every Negro with a piercing familiarity. This wait has almost always meant never even though this may have been written in a placid manner, the ministers can feel that his actual emotions behind this sentence was anger. Further on in the letter he says,when  you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as seek to explain to your six-year old daughter why she cant go to the public amusement park that had just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told Funtown is closed to colored children, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness towards white people once again his audience can feel his anger. He creates images of this innocent little girl crying of disappointment slowly changing into someone resentful of White people. A great deal of this letter was logical. In paragraph 6 King says, In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps (1) collection of facts to determine whether injustices are alive, (2) negotiation, (3) self-purification, (4) direct action. We have gone through all these steps in Birmingham. There can be no gainsaying of the fact that racial injustice engulfs this community. King states the four basic steps and recognized that there is a certain way to behave. Later King also says, I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and willingly accepts, the penalty by staying in jail to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the very highest respect for law. Martin Luther King used a very logical appeal by saying; when a crime is committed consequences are inevitable. Anyone who commits a crime is punished. King later says, One day the South will know that when these disinherited children of God sat down at lunch counters they were in reality standing up for the best in the American dream and the most sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage, and thusly, carrying our whole nation back to those great wells of democracy which were dug deep by the founding fathers in the formulation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He used God and religion as a logical appeal and to his audience, as ministers, God and religion are indeed especially logical. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King used his knowledge, values, and integrity to generate a suitable reply to the ministers. He replied in an effective manner with elegance and tranquility. He used reason and emotion to make his  response further successful.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Story Titled The Accident

Story Titled The Accident When we about to sit in a car, we usually take safety for granted. Many people dont even realize the dangers when driving from one place to another. Driving has become routine. People cant predict the dangers they face when driving, or even the tragic and disastrous moment when something goes wrong. I get asked this question quiet often, Why I am so scared to drive a car? August 6th 2007 is the date that I will never forget; that day changed my life. My perception, my thinking and social life was affected. It was the day when Ali got his license. It was 3:00 A.M in the morning, the air was misty, freezing and dark, and the streets lights were barely on. The streets were deserted and empty as if no one existed. It felt as if we were the only people in this city. There was a feeling of freedom but then something evil began to take its place, we decided to race. Even though the road was bumpy and uneven, the race seemed like a brilliant idea. Speeding up to 110mph we did not care about anything except going faster. It was fun and as far as I can recall, I was really enjoying it. Until the moment I turned my head to the right and saw Ali pointing with a smile, better keep up boy he said, this picture kept playing in my head constantly; at that very instant I felt the something wrong was about to happen. With fear I reduced my speed; just before I began slowing down, I heard a bang Alis car had flipped over, and the screech of grinding metal filled the empty streets. I used all my force to stop the car and get out. As the front wheel spun freely and oil was dripping to the ground, shards of the glass and other debris littered the crash scene like a pià ±ata spilled candy after being struck. My heart was beating rapidly, and my mind felt as if it was frozen. I rushed towards the car and saw Ali struggling with pain as cold as death itself screaming for help; his face was covered with blood and his hand was stuck behind his back. He was jammed in a very awkward position. I tried to help, and kept trying until I realized my help was not sufficient I needed more hands. Thinking of whom to call, I knew the best thing at that time was to try to keep him calm. I quickly dialed Alis residence. I called five times and every time the answering machine went on. Frustrating and panic filled my head. I then dialed the police. Thankfully, they were there in five minutes, but those five minutes felt like years. Watching Ali struggle with pain was disturbing; I felt helpless and des perately wanted this situation to end. Ali was finally dragged out of the car and was rushed to the Hospital; his condition was bad because too much blood had been lost. I finally got through to Alis parents. After an hour inside the emergency room the doctors were finally out, and what I was about to hear was something that changed my life. His spinal chord had broken. The doctors believed that he might not be able to walk. This was a very sad moment; his mother was crying hysterically, I still remember her saying no, no, no this cant be. Mr. Khan was constantly trying to comfort her, and she looked at me and shook her head with disappointment. At that very moment I felt that it was all because of me. I felt that I was not mature enough or responsible enough. I felt I had betrayed his parents; his mother always used to tell me to look after Ali. She thought I was the responsible one; it was hard to stand even a second there of her stare. Ali was not the same; we never hung out the way we used to. He was quiet and lost in his thoughts, and whenever I went to his house, he would tell his mother that he didnt want to meet me. He used to sit at home crying with disappointment when his attempt to walk failed. Every time I looked at him the picture of the crash kept playing in my head and his struggle to walk and his depression made me feel guilty every time I saw him. Eventually a gap started developing, and soon Alis isolation made him feel that I was the sole reason for this accident. The rare calls from Ali had stopped; months had passed and one day I found out Ali had moved to Dubai. I used to wonder if I am or ever will be same the person I used to be. He made a difference in my life by always being there for me and caring about me. I used to be a happy and optimistic person. My closest friend Ali made a major impact on my life; it was a major shock; that guy used to be my best friend; we hung out together; we were partners and did almost everything together. This accident that was an act of immaturity, caused an event because of which I not only lost a friend, but a great person who was also a good athlete lose his legs. The worst part is that he still feels its all because of me. His suspetition made a big impact on my life; I used to doubt myself and my ability to make friends. I got so afraid that sometimes I didnt even feel like tracing and locating him because I feel that even if I try to clarify myself it wont make a big difference; I stayed quiet most of the time and getting along with people wasnt my thing, I think it was all because I was conscious and I feared that I might end up hurting someone else. Through all of these thoughts and feelings, an annoying voice in the back of my head kept making feel that something could be wrong, that something or somewhere I must have gone wrong. Now four years have passed and I have no Idea of what Ali is up to, I never called nor I ever received a call from him, but now my views have changed. The car accident is and will always be a major moment in my life, it made me realize that God has a plan for every one and there is a hidden message behind everything. I had a great friend and probably best times in my life. Our life changes every second, this accident made me realize to value every single moment has as if it was my last, because its really difficult to predict when it all will be over.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Relationships Behind Portrait :: Art, James Joyce

In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, Stephen Dedalus, reacts towards his parents the same as many typical modern-day adolescents and adolescents of the early 1900s. Stephen's attitude and feelings towards his parents change throughout the course of this book. His feelings change in a pattern similar to one of typical adolescents. Adolescent attitudes have not changed much throughout the years. Adolescents change physically and emotionally during the early years of their life. The activities the adolescents do may have changed but the intentions behind those acts have not. Stephen has a different relationship with family members other than his parents like his Uncle Charles and his Aunt Dante. Many adolescents have a different relationship with family members other than their parents. In the article, Joyce and His First Self-Portrait by James T. Farrell, Farrell states â€Å"no clear and full picture of Stephen's relationship with his mother is described.†(3) I believe this statement could be true and false. It could be true on the grounds of no definite feelings described in the book from Stephen. There is also no change of feelings throughout the course of Stephen's adolescence that are mentioned. Only three events in the book mentions a relationship between Stephen and his mother. The first instance is when Stephen is teased by Wells and the other older boys about the subject of kissing his mother. Wells asks Stephen, â€Å"do you kiss your mother before you go to bed?† This opens up the topic over whether he should kiss his mother or should he not. The other boys laugh at Stephen's confusion while he ponders this thought. (Joyce,6) During the Christmas dinner, there is no direct reference to a relationship between Stephen and his mother. During this scene, Stephen see different sides of all the adults at the dinner. Stephen's mother tries to create a peaceful Christmas dinner. She is unable to do this because Stephen's father, aunt, and uncle get into a heated political debate. Stephen witnesses his mother get irritated over the constant arguing. She tries to stop the argument but fails to do so. Stephen's feelings are not recognized in the passage. He merely just observes this scene. (Joyce, 21-22) At the end of the book, it does not mention a relationship between the two but an argument they have. Stephen tells Cranly he argued with his mother about going to church on Easter Sunday.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Russia :: essays research papers

When examining the progress of a nation, it is vital to also see what the national psyche behind it was. In Russia the driving motivation was not always consistent. â€Å" ... [They] still had difficulty in formulating and sustaining any permanent concept of the 'state' and its interests independent of the family possessions and connections of the ruling dynasty.†(Hosking 190) As with many countries of that time, the rulers were not held accountable, and often overlooked long-term strategic goals in favor of short-term gains. Foreign policy was more a personal relationship among rulers than among nations; alliances were made, broken or not honored routinely. All of these factors made for a precarious political environment in which any leader had to operate. Russia's own unique problems required its rulers have an even greater political acumen than their purely European counterparts. There in lies the crux of Russia's biggest problems. Over the centuries from - to - Russia has expanded from a small principality to a huge polyglot of an empire; encompassing many people with many different cultures. Most Russians were not European. Although these people came from diverse geographical locations, they all shared certain beliefs that unified them. Concepts such as Pravda, the Mir, and the acceptance of suffering helped unify the empire. When Peter I wanted to Europeanize Russia he did it in a typical Russian way; out with the old, in with the new, having â€Å"... the tendency to introduce reform in total packages, rejecting previous ways as utterly wrong.† (Hosking 176) Peter I replaced the one stable and unifying set of beliefs with another set adopted from a world foreign to most everyone in the empire. This may be the reason that Russia’s Europeanization seemed to be a thin veneer under which the majority of Russians did not understand or see any benefit in europeanization. To answer the question as to whether or not Peter I was a successful ruler, it must be stated that the premise under which he ruled was â€Å"... To increase [Russia's] power and wealth and to improve the well being of its people.†(Hosking 198) To Peter that meant becoming more like Europe, and perhaps he thought this because of the great European influences on his, and on the lives of his advisors and the nobility in general. Peter saw the great armies and bureaucracies of Europe and wished to install them in Russia.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparison And Contrast Of Lit Essay -- essays research papers

The view point of an author can be determined easily by comparing works of the same basic plots and characters. Also by contrasting the same two works is equally as important. “Little Red Riding Hood'; by Charles Perrault and Angela Carter’s “The Company of Wolves'; are perfect examples. The writer’s purpose, characterization, and readability shows one of many ways of pinpointing the author’s bias.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clearly Carter and Perrault show a bias with the characters in their stories. Carter’s main character being a female whom is clever, strong, and an in-depth thinker who is always thinking ahead. This shows that the author was probably writing during the women’s movement, where women began entering the work place and becoming more than mere objects or at home mothers. On the other hand Perrault’s view of a young innocent child, shows with the outcome that one should learn their lesson from this story. This was typical prior to the modern age when stories were lessons learned. There were religious implications noted in Carter’s work where Perrault did not. For example “she is dressed and ready and it is Christmas Eve,'; (820) and another example “you must run as if the Devil is after you.';(820) Yet another phrase that relates to the Devil states, “They say there’s an ointment the Devil gives you that turns you into a wolf t...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Importance of Writing

The Importance of Writing for Students Writing defines as a tool to represent writers' thoughts, feelings,and ideas into one component/purpose. As a tool, writing has a function to develop writers' thoughts to be more critical. Writing requires a practical adjustment, and a repetition in order to improve the skill. The practice is vary; however, the basic of practicality involves some sources as a media of learning. Writing prepares writers, especially students, to reach into a larger society in term of showing their ability in an indirect way of communication. Writing plays a very important role in the world of education.Writing builds a way to create students to be more creative. Creativity through writing has unlimited scopes. Scope of writing narrative implicates a wild imagination through certain complex ideas by locating the concept orderly and specifically. Scope of writing an academic progress, such as research paper, requires students to understand in applying a right gramma r, and structuring a paragraph. â€Å"Creative writing† leads students to do analyzation that trigger them in finding a new invention (Bekurs; Santoli). An analyzation demands students to elaborate and rearrange the words into one whole new perception.Analyzing in this writing process means â€Å"to learn how to evaluate† the argument, and â€Å"use that information-to find the meaning in the knowledge† (Bekurs; Santoli). According to Santoli and Bekurs, â€Å"the foundation of creative writing† must be based on students' â€Å"personal interest† (Bekurs; Santoli). Writing develops a social skill in students. A social skill needs a basic foundation of learning how to master a second way of communication, called writing. In particular, a social movement in internet, such as blogging, entangles young people to express theimselve as an individual through writing.This blogging activity is â€Å"the expressway to the soul†; moreover, writing refl ects the personality of the writers that allow them to interact with new people in the cyber world (McNulty). A social skill, in term of writing, generates an unlimited access in reaching many different societies. However, students have to master many different vocabularies related to the field. Writing helps some students in gaining friends. Some students have a difficulty in relating themselves to new people. In particular, the activity of exchanging journal in order to interact with their new friends is still ecessary, especially for those in a lower grade of education. Writing guides students in gaining â€Å"self-awareness†, â€Å"self-motivation†, and â€Å"believing in themselves† (Downing 1). In this case, writing a journal can be very helpful in raising students' motivation and introspection toward themselves. Writing a journal means writing out our wild opinions into a piece of paper; just like writing a diary. By writing journal, students can deliver their â€Å"hidden thoughts† through a â€Å"white and black† tool that makes everything â€Å"visible to the world† (McNulty). Writing trains students to become more independent and confident.According to Santoli and Bekurs, when students â€Å"become more comfortable putting their pens to paper† as writers, they have become independent decision makers of themselves (Bekurs; Santoli). Furthermore, students have to often practice the writing skill to gain a self-confidence. The more students practice their writing, the more they allow themselves to comprehend the usefulness of using grammar and applying them into paragraph. Writing determines the future career of students. The skill of writing describes the knowledgeable students as independent workers in the future.For instance, the ability of student in speaking a good speech generates a newly politician. The competence of student in writing a report rises a new born talented journalist. Moreover, the w riting skill of students specify their position as a worker; either lower or higher position. In term of writing, the importance of being able to â€Å"mean what you say and say what you mean† has crucial meaning in the career field (McNulty). In order to apply for a job, people have to submit a firm Curriculum Vitae letter that requires them to write a boldness approval of themselves.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Is Science Combating Food Shortages in Africa Essay

Africa has been fighting a constant battle against starvation for decades. What with an uncontrollably growing population and harsh dry climate, its no wonder that not only Africa, but the world could be in for a big crisis: the lack of food. With over 7 billion people in this world to feed, one billion in Africa, its a wonder that our planet can support this mass population, and the situation is going to get much worse unless there is a solution as to how the shortage of food can be fixed. Since the 1970’s, scientists have experimented with Genetically Modified foods (GM foods). That means that they’ve changed the organisms, and the DNA, in order to enhance some aspects of the food or fix any possible faults. So far, GM organisms have proved to increase food production, which is a relevant and effective solution. This solution has indeed raised arguments, creating economical, ethical and societal implications. Genetically modified foods could be the solution to save Africa from the endless starvation and malnourishment. It offers something completely new; it is a biotechnical solution that is different to any other option considered to aid those suffering from the lack of food in Africa. GM crops grow faster, produce much more, need less time and less labor. It would be a permanent solution. Unlike transferring food across the oceans in order to give aid, GM foods would be able to be produced in the countries that actually will need and use them, instead of relying on other wealthier nations to bring it to them. This would also teach these less developed countries how to manage on their own, and not being supported or aided by the more economically developed countries. Even more positive aspects of this solution are, that these GM crops have longer shelf-life, meaning that they do not have to be consumed immediately, but they can be stored for longer. Furthermore; they don’t require as many natural resources and materials as normal crops, which is good cause Africa itself doesn’t offer that many, which is one of the reasons as to why it’s in the situation that it is in right now. This would give an exceptional amount of aid and hope to the people of Africa as it would fix one major issue that has been developing throughout the years, and help them defeat other problems that their nations are facing. However, there are always downsides to these new inventions. Firstly, GM foods haven’t been in the know for long enough to know if they have any side affects that humans should be concerned of. Many people resist the idea of genetical modification because of this uncertainty. The foods and crops could always trigger allergic reactions, which might be fatal in nations that offer poor medical aid, or any health impacts for humans and even animals. However, the certainty that these problems exist is only an assumption. For as far we know, there might be no bad consequences or effects that GMO’s might bring. Another issue is how this will work in the nations of Africa. The leaders of the nations might decide that this is an uncertain and doubtful solution, that might only bring harm to their countries. Or some nations might fear change, even if it could help the starvation issues that they’re struggling with. The only thing that the developed nations could do in this case, would be to try and negotiate as to how this solution can help them, not only temporarily but in the long run as well. Also, it will be a very cheap solution, which will be a major attraction to many nation as their economical situations aren’t that great. Furthermore, the annual cost of individuals having to purchase the genetically modified seeds will be an issue, as the continent is generally very poor. The effect of growing and consuming genetically modified crops is still unknown, however many possible and realistic assumptions have been made. A possible dilemma is the harm that these organisms could cause to other organisms in the nature. For an example, the mortality rate of monarch butterfly caterpillars has gone up recently, due to the wind blowing pollen from genetically modified B.t corn to milkweed plants, that the caterpillars consume. A nature study was held in order to find out whether this was true or not, and the results were in fact pointing towards the pollen being the cause of death. There are also countless other victims of genetic engineering, however they cannot be prevented as the toxins that kill the pests are also harmful to other insects. Unfortunately, in order to grow healthy crops without a financial loss, the use of these B.t toxins is essential. Another issue that could arise from this is cross-breeding of these herbicide tolerant crops and the weeds themselves, resulting in a ‘superweed’ that would be immune to these toxins. That could cause in mass destruction of crops and a great financial loss to the farmers, as well as an unnatural new specie. An issue that could arise within the use of GM crops is the strain on the economies of the nations using them. It would be quite expensive to transport the GM foods across the globe, and it would also take some time. Also, the cost of these seeds can be expected to rise due to the technology used to create them. A more developed country and farm could possibly afford the annual cost of these crops, however a less economically developed country cannot. A solution for this problem could be funding the production and research of GM foods. An example of such a funder is the Rockefeller Foundation, who has founded the research and production of genetically modified rice. GM rice would be a very costly process but with the help of funders and other wealthy companies the cost of expense can be reduced. Since the population of already 7 billion is estimated to almost double in the upcoming 50 years, the worlds biggest dilemma at the moment is to find a solution as to how to feed all these people and how our natural resources won’t be all used up. GM crops is one of the many solutions thought to solve this problem, however, like the rest of them, it comes with many different positive and negative aspects. Furthermore, since it is such a new invention, and not a lot of research has been done yet, the effects and consequences are unknown. If the massive population growth could be stalled for a few decades, say by introducing a one-child-policy, then the development of solutions such as GM crops could be completed meanwhile. This would be a really effective way to provide food aid to the peoples of the world, especially Africa, in order to defeat hunger and starvation, and it would also slow down the growth of the population, maybe even declining it.

Developing English Communication and Understanding Skills

It is important to understand well whether your communication is in your own language or in another language. A lot about communicating in your own language is learned naturally as a child. However, to communicate well in another language a person must take time to develop their ability in that language. That means that to communicate in another language, a person must develop new skills in the use of their ears (listening), their mouth (speaking), and their mind (understanding spoken and written words). Just as speaking and writing are important, so are reading and listening important for the learner of another language. Listening helps us to hear the correct way to talk about an idea. As we listen many times to a native speaker tell stories we understand quite well, the way to say the sentences and ideas in the story become more and more a part of us until we automatically say those kinds of expressions correctly without thinking about the rules of the language. Most people enjoy listening to material that is quite easy for them to understand. That is they already know most of the expressions they hear. However, if there is a lot that they do not understand, they can not follow all they thinking of the speaker. Thus what is being said is boring and sometimes the listener stops listening. Likewise reading is important for learning to write correctly in another language. As we repeatedly read the same story, written by a native speaker, the way to write about the ideas becomes more and more a part of us until, when we write, we write those same kinds of expressions correctly without thinking about the rules of the language. Most people enjoy reading material that is quite easy to understand. That is they already know most of the vocabulary; and the sentences are not too complicated to grasp the idea being expressed. On the other hand, if a person does not understand much of what they are reading, they must stop many times to look up words in a dictionary or go back over the information again to try to understand the idea. It becomes difficult reading and also breaks the trend of thought so that it becomes unclear. Reading of that kind quickly becomes boring. This course is specifically designed to help the learner of English to develop skills in speaking and writing clearly; and improve their ability to listen and read with clear, easy understanding.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Richman Investments “Internal Use Only” Data Classification Standard

Richman Investments â€Å"Internal Use Only† Data Classification Standard The â€Å"Internal Use Only† data classification standard at Richman Investments will include the most basic IT infrastructure domains to include the User Domain, Workstation Domain, and the LAN Domain. This will encompass all users and their workstations, as well their access to the internet and company server databases and any information in between. The User Domain will enforce an acceptable use policy (AUP) to define what each user can and cannot do with any company data shall he or she have access to it.As well as with company users, any outside contractor or third-party representatives shall also need to agree and comply with the AUP. All users must be properly identified and sign this AUP prior to gaining any access whatsoever to the company network. No exceptions. Any violation will be taken up with company executives and/or the authorities to assess further punitive action. The Workstatio n Domain includes all workstations approved on the company network. No personal devices or removable media may be used on this network. All devices and removable media will be issued by the company for official use only.To access any workstation, a user will need to be first verified, then setup with an account to be logged in with a username and pass code adhering to the IT departments set standards. All systems will undergo regular updates and be provided with anti-virus and anti-malware software for system monitoring. Access Control Lists (ACLs) will be drawn up to appropriately define what access each individual will have. Any violations will cause an immediate suspension of privileges and again the person(s) in violation will be subject to company executives decisions and/or the authorities for punitive action.The LAN Domain will include all data closets, physical elements of the LAN, as well as logical elements to be designated by authorized personnel. Authorized personnel wil l be properly screened and authorized by the IT department head and given a special access card with separate pin code as well their normal username and pass code. Each closet will require this special access card and code to gain admittance. Each server will also require this card and code along with separate username and login credentials.Any hardware, software and equipment is to be installed by these persons only on any machine. Along with that, they will assure proper print, e-mail, and file server setups. They will also be responsible for designating access to users according to ACLs. This includes setup and securing any company Wireless Access Points (WAPs) for use with company devices only. Any violations will be cause for immediate removal of special access rights and suspension of privileges. Again they will be dealt with by company executives and/or the authorities for further punitive action.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Higher education in Pharmacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Higher education in Pharmacy - Essay Example I have always been scientifically inclined with keen interests towards medical field. Pharmacy has wide scope in the current market and degree in Pharmacy would provide me informed choices so as to exploit opportunities for personal and professional growth. My long term goals are to become successful pharmacist and serve my community. I want to go back to my roots and show them that education is a strong tool for becoming a successful person and professional. I come from a poor family and had to work hard from an early age to survive. But I am also self driven person with strong ambition for prosperous future. I want to become a successful pharmacist and show my people that hard work and education are important to achieve goals in life. My strong interests in the medical field have been the motivating force for studying pharmacy. The pharmacy school represents my hopes of the future and it would help me to realize my dreams. My strong interests in the medical field have been the motivating force for studying pharmacy. The pharmacy school represents my hopes of the future and it would help me to realize my dreams of becoming a successful person.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Narratine jobsite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Narratine jobsite - Essay Example When I made it clear she would be working in a 'man's world' (which wouldn't be easy), she didn't hesitate with her answer: "I can handle anything you toss my way." Roy, on the other hand, made her first three weeks as uncomfortable as he could, which translated to considerable discomfort for me as well. Roy was an imposing biker-type at six feet, two inches and 265 pounds, tough and knowledgeable enough to manage forty construction workers. Rachel, on the other hand, stood five-feet, four inches at maybe a hundred pounds dripping wet. I had to mediate between them several times. Roy withheld documentation, schedules, and material requests from Rachel. If she needed something, he made her ask for it. I was well aware of what was happening. The tension between the two was palpable, and I knew a confrontation was imminent. She would need to stand up to him soon-I knew her time with us would be over if she did not. Once, on her second week on the job, Rachel and I were inspecting the jobsite. I could see Roy was up to something again. He was rallying the troops, visiting each group of workers and making a few comments at which they all would dutifully direct meaningful glances at her. I began to think today might be Rachel's last on the job. She walked beside me, asking questions, taking notes, appearing not to have noticed. We completed our inspection and called every... Rachel answered each one to everyone's satisfaction, including mine. I could see Roy was uneasy, but Rachel had proven her competence, so I thought that would be the end of it. That was not to be. The meeting was about to end. "Where are my fire dampers" Roy piped in. "If they're not here, I'll be sending half the crew home tomorrow." The fire dampers were a priority item, without which the job would come to a halt. The person who knew this best was Roy. It was a cheap shot. He had made several requests for their delivery before Rachel had become project manager. The fire dampers had been the responsibility of Rachel's predecessor. Rachel would have needed to order the fire dampers ten days earlier to get the fire dampers to the site the next day. Roy had deliberately withheld the lack of the fire dampers to himself, with the intention of attacking Rachel. I had underestimated Roy's determination. He allowed his personal prejudice to put the job and the company at risk. The faces in the room were a mixture of blank stares and stunned disbelief. The men knew how serious the situation was. There would be emergency meetings, phone calls, and some hefty fines for delaying the job. I was furious. As I stood to protest, Rachel placed her hand on my arm, shot me a glance, and strode to the front. There was a look of defiance on her face. In a very measured tone she indicated, "The dampers are in my truck." All of us were dumbfounded. How had she pulled this off She spent the next ten minutes reading Roy the riot act. She had compiled a list of every mistake he had made in the last year. Roy himself had provided access to them. She concluded by letting Roy know who was in charge. "If you can put your petty differences aside, be

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 29

Personal Statement Example As a year one student in Ijmu University, I firmly believe that my chosen profession in business management will make my dream in becoming a prominent businessperson a reality. Throughout my life, I have admired successful business people in my home area, which have motivated me, engage in small business activities. I have always struggled for academic excellence, managing to engage in small business activities to provide for some of my educational expenses. I believe my chosen profession will allow me develop my knowledge base and travel across the globe. Naturally, my education comes before anything else I do. However, studying business management is not straightforward. A business management course enables a student to develop effective communication skills, make business decisions in a systematic and evaluative manner and demonstrate knowledge of current trends and events in the business. Additionally, the course allows a student master the necessary skills required to prepare th em a work in an organization. When I started my undergraduate career, I realized that I was exposed to a full range of business management courses. All these courses tended to solidify and reinforce my interests in business management. I have also had the chance to study numerous subjects in humanities, and they have been quite enlightening and enjoyable giving me a new and different view of the earth in which we live. In the area business management, I have developed a special interest in finding out on how I can come up with a successful business plan. I have also been interested in the field of technology, as I have learned that technology increases the competitive advantage of a company. There are many technological advances, and every manager should be able to understand at least some of these advances to remain competitive in the market. As I gain experience in the business management profession, I hope to be engaged in developing better processes

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Performance appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Performance appraisal - Essay Example To make a worker realize his responsibility is the duty of that organization. One gets paid for one’s performance which is known as ‘pay for performance’ in a corporate world. An organization can decide the wages for an employee based on the performance appraisal, the ratings of which ranges from interpersonal skills, technical skills, and various other assets. While one of its functions being wage increment, the other is to determine if the tasks given for a team is being carried out in a timely fashion and appropriately. This has a positive impact on the growth of the organization and in finding out areas that require bigger improvement. Organizations prefer having a performance appraisal once in every 3 to 6 months to determine increments in wages. This illustrates how dominant a performance appraisal is in superior firms especially in Multinational Corporations where more than a million employees work with analogous qualifications. It is not essential that app raisals are meant to be positive. Rather a pessimistic feedback in an optimistic style can foster perfection in the employee. Different categories of performance appraisal include general, technological, manager, employee self-assessment, and Project evaluation appraisals of which general appraisal is an overall feedback about how far the team has completed an assigned project with all the requirements met properly. An outlook on technical proficiency of an employee with his specialization set right is what technological appraisal focuses on.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Economic Essay Questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic Questions - Essay Example While low levels of inflation are manageable, higher levels can wreck havoc on an economy. Inflation at any level acts as an invisible tax on savers. Any money saved is capable of purchasing less goods and services. This harms vulnerable groups such as senior citizens who rely on savings more heavily than other groups. It also provides a disincentive to save. Also if growth is too rapid it can risk a shock to the system by bursting an economic bubble, like the tech bubble of the nineteen nineties or the recent housing bubble. Deflation and unemployment are the dangers of the recessionary side of the business cycle. Deflation is a decrease in the price of goods and services. The real danger of deflation is falling into a deflationary spiral. A deflationary spiral occurs when consumers expect prices to fall, so they delay spending. Retailers and suppliers need to provide goods and services so they lower prices. If consumers do not spend producers are forced to cut back on costs, including labor, which increases the incentive for consumers to save and not spend. Unemployment can soar and many firms can be forced to shut down. A deflationary spiral is part of the cause of the Great Depression. Unemployment above natural levels harms the economy its participants. People out of the work force longer than frictionally required can start to lose skills, which can limit long term employability. Unemployment also reduces the ability of families to provide necessities and luxuries for themselves. This is all compounded by the general negative psychological effects of unemployment on the unemployed. For the economy it is also harmful. It means productive capacity is idle and the amount of goods and services the economy can produce falls. It is necessary to intervene to protect against the dangers of inflation, deflation, and unemployment. Intervention can be taken

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Criminal Profiling of Satanic Followers Research Paper - 1

Criminal Profiling of Satanic Followers - Research Paper Example   Ã‚   However, from the law enforcement perspective, it is not easy to classify a criminal activity as a satanic crime and, thus, reduce an investigation only to the suspects who claim to be Satanists (Lanning, 89). To start with, while there are several criteria that can help law enforcement officers to classify a crime as satanic, none of them is reliable enough to clearly define such a criminal activity. To start with, while some argue that the presence of certain symbols, such as inverted crosses, pentagrams, or 666 makes a crime satanic, from the law enforcement perspective â€Å" unless there is a legal-valid perspective for doing so, police have no authority to seize any satanic or occult paraphernalia they might see during the search (Lewis, 2001). The symbols or signs have no any significance for the investigation unless they prove a criminal activity. If a victim includes a Satanic symbol when describing the instruments or a location of the crime, then the symbol can se rve as an evidence. However, many cases reveal that despite the presence of certain symbols in the possession of the offender, the crime had no Satanic relation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, signs, symbols, and rituals cannot always be interpreted clearly as their meaning may change over time, place, and circumstance (Lewis, 2001). As an example, a swastika can represent either prosperity and good fortune, or Nazism and anti-Semitism, or – currently – hate, paranoia, and adolescent defiance. Especially in cases involving dabblers, teenagers, and other self-styled Satanists, who give the symbols their own meaning, the analysis of symbols and signs may only have a limited application.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are also cases of offenders leaving satanic symbols on the crime scene deliberately in order to make the crime look â€Å"satanic† and, thus, confuse the investigators. Thus, when law enforcement officers investigate alleged satanic crimes, they need to be objective fact finders (Lanning, 89). While law enforcement officers need to be trained to recognize the possible investigative significance of satanic symbols, rituals, and paraphernalia, it is impossible for one person to know the meaning of all the symbols and rituals of every spiritual belief system. Therefore, symbols cannot be used to clearly classify a law enforcement problem as a satanic activity (Kennedy, 2006).

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Criminal Law Mens Rea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Criminal Law Mens Rea - Essay Example The topic statement is lifted from Glanville Williams Criminal Law: The General Part [2nd ed. 1961]. A perusal of the topic shows that it runs counter to another statement in the same text which shows the belief of the author that the concept of mens rea is an index of maturity of our legal system. The correlation to the various justifications of punishment or purposes of criminalization does not at all compute when considered from the various vantage points and time frames of the said justification theories. The mental element of crime may be significant for one purpose or the other but the same way that the various purposes do not conjoin with any one crime, the element of mens rea will not be relevant to all the justifications and purposes. The cardinal principle of criminal law is that 'a wrongful act does not make a person guilty unless his mind is legally blameworthy.' There must not only be a wrongful act (actus reus), but with it must also concur intent (mens rea, Latin: the guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent1). Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea.2This is so because evil thoughts are condemnable and punishable only when they are sufficiently dangerous to society and only when translated into evil deeds. From a practical vantage point, there is really no way for any legal system to sanction evil thoughts. Blackstone confirmed this: " "[A]s no temporal tribunal can search the heart, or fathom the intentions of the mind, otherwise then as they are demonstrated by outward actions, it therefore, cannot punish for what it cannot know And as a vicious will without a vicious act is no civil crime, so, on the other hand, an unwarrantable act without a vicious will is no crime at all. So that to constitute a crime against human laws, there must be, first, a vicious will; and secondly, an unlawful act consequent upon such vicious will."3 Again, for Glanville Williams, mens rea is significant of (legal) civilization.4 The existing ideals of justice require that a person should only be punished where he intended to commit the unlawful act. This is a simplistic formulation because if strictly adhered to persons committing crimes in ignorance of criminal law would not be held liable. This situation would result to impossibility in implementing the law. This led to the adoption of presumptions to govern the matter. The burden to prove the existence of a criminal state of mind is lodged upon the prosecution in most offences except those of strict liability. Mens rea does not mean 'wickedness' in any moral or general sense.5 On the other hand, good motive does not provide defence to what is otherwise criminal.6 Mens rea is a legal jargon that refers to a number of states of mind that the law treats as criminal, each of which is related to or accompanies the ingredient of the actus reus of the offence. This concurrence is what gives rise to criminal liability. These states of mind that are relevant to establishing criminal liability are: 1) intention, 2) recklessness and 3) gross negligence about consequences and they represent the fault element of crime. Knowledge of the surrounding circumstances may form part of the mens rea. Not every ingredient of actus reus of a statutory offence has a mens rea counterpart;

Friday, September 6, 2019

Retail Management Essay Example for Free

Retail Management Essay What can an independent retailer learn from this case? An independent retailer can pull several insights from this reading. First and foremost the market is becoming severely competitive which means that independent retailers will have to adapt to the environment. Adaptations such as; benchmarking other retailers, pinpointing customer needs wants, developing a long-term strategy for adaptation are to be made. It is imperative that retailers find ways to draw-in and maintain customers by changing with the market. Soft line specialty stores have found that the recent economic downturn has hurt the industry and in turn created intense competition for retailers to find new ways to get more sales from existing customers. Some good ideas for retailers to consider after reading this case are, repositioning old images, continuing to target the youth market, and creating a life cycle of retailing whereas, when a customer outgrows a particular brand, you have another brand for the consumer to grow into. There are also many ways that our ever-advancing technology can be incorporated into retailing to aid companies in increasing revenues.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Library catalog Essay Example for Free

Library catalog Essay Today, libraries are intensified and triggered by many advances and rapid inventions of science and technology that are greatly affecting the library operations as a whole. The non-stop discoveries of this new technology, particularly computers, redefined the role of libraries. A library is a collection of information, sources, resources, books, and services, and the structure in which it is housed. It is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. In a more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books (â€Å"Library†, 2009). The library, more than any instrument of the society, is open to public use and the knowledge embodied in books are the foundation of a society to attain or develop more the potentialities of man which in return, will be a great factor in the progress of a nation. The library has the responsibility to upgrade its status through open access to these advances, to develop a plan of action in order to contribute and to become an effective partner especially in instruction, research and extension programs of an educational institute (Enem, 2002). From the statements above it is proven that the library has a big role not only to the students but also to the society and our country. Through the help of modern technology and information system, the library circulation system can improve. Library circulation or library lending comprises the activities around the lending of library books and other material to users of a lending library. A circulation or lending department is one of the key departments of a library (â€Å"LC†, 2009). Library circulation provides lending services and facilities for return of loaned items. Renewal of materials and payment of fines are also handled at the circulation desk. Circulation staff may provide basic search and reference services, though more in-depth questions are usually referred to reference librarians at the library reference desk. The circulation desk is in most cases staffed by library aides instead of professional librarians. The functions of the circulation desk staff may include the lending materials to library users, checking in materials returned, monitoring materials for damage and routing them to the appropriate staff for repair or replacement, troubleshooting circulation technology, i.e. library circulation software, scanners, printers, etc. , and collecting statistics on library use, i. e. patron transactions, material checkouts, etc. The two categories of Information System (IS) are the manual or traditional system and automatic or also known as Computer-Based Information System (CBIS). Before the use of CBIS, all the data are processed manually in a traditional system, where all the information are written and stored in different files. Sometimes, this process is called non-computerized system. Non-computerized is not efficient because it consumes a lot of time to find and update the information. To eliminate this problem, a new system was created which is known as computerized system or CBIS. Computer-Based Information Systems (CBIS) is composed of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, people, and procedures that are configured to collect, manipulate, store, and process data into information (Abraham, 2009). The library of University of the Philippines Diliman was established in 1922 has grappled with four basic concerns: the book fund, staff development, library services and information technology. And in 1999 the university had opened an online public access catalog and launched the university library web. Another school that has a library system running in web based is the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde in 1999. Each year, the school library acquires new resources and upgrades equipment for the use of students. As of august 2009, the library has a collection of over 122,000 book titles and more than 45,000 titles of electronic books. Using CBIS nowadays as a tool for development not only uplifts a company’s reputation, but also help fix things to the best. And also by using the intranet as a platform of the system can be a great help for improving the services of the library. An intranet is a private computer network that uses Internet technologies to securely share any part of an organizations information or operational systems with its employees. Sometimes the term refers only to the organizations internal website, but often it is a more extensive part of the organizations computer infrastructure and private websites are an important component and focal point of internal communication and collaboration (King, 2002). Mr. A. T. Valdes, the librarian of NPCMSTI said that the library is an instrument that is used to provide data and information needed by the student in his study by collecting books that are important in their subjects as references. He added that from the books collected and selected, they are maintained in  order to be available to the students when the need it (personal communication, April 6, 2002). In addition, there are problems encountered in the manual or traditional library system of NPCMSTI based from the study conducted by the students of NPCMSTI. These include more effort and slow inventory of books, inefficient searching of books, inefficient generation of reports, and inefficient monitoring of books. The library has more than 4000 number of books and monitoring all these books require a lot of time and effort (Carreon, Delmendo, Maala, Mendoza Penequito, 2008). Considering the advantages brought by CBIS and the problems encountered in the existing library system of NPCMSTI, the researcher decided to propose a computerized library system for NPCMSTI. Company Background The vision of the NPCMSTI library is to be a functional media center for meritorious resources especially in Nautical Science or Marine Transportation, Marine Engineering, Computer Science, Criminology, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and Technical Vocational courses towards an excellent training development of professionals, diligent seafarers and skilled workers in the community. Its mission is to seek endeavor to provide quality service and to support the school’s educational programs, planning, research and extension services and instructional needs of the academic through stipulating bits of information comprehensively in any structure, in any part of the country, and of the whole world. Quality Objectives. The school library has the following objectives: (1) to strengthen and upgrade the library resources; (2) to upgrade library facilities and equipment;(3) to train personnel to enhance their technical skills and competitiveness; and (4) to link and network with local, national and international institutions. The library has a total of 11,832 book collections from the Degree courses to Non-Degree courses. The primary function of a library system are to facilitate the loan of books to borrowers, record receipt of returned books, and keep track of the status of books that should be returned. Reference Services. The obligation of the library is to render full assistance to readers in using the library and its contents. The librarian handles library resources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, biographies, atlases, and gazetteers. Orientation. The librarian’s unique responsibility is to utilize fully his resources in making as nearly certain as possible that the best materials for the particular purpose find their way to the readers. Also, the librarian serves as the mediator between man and the graphic records that he and his previous generations have produced and that the goal of the library is to maximize the social utility of graphic records for the benefit of the society. Library Hours. The library is open with its continuous hour service, from Monday to Friday which starts from 7:30 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon. Responsibilities of the Library Staff. The Northern Philippines College for Maritime, Science and Technology Library is manned by a Librarian, Assistant Librarian, and Library assistants. The Librarian shall administer the library, direct the activities of the staff, keep financial records of the library, keep records of the replacement of books, in charge of collecting and monitoring late fees, select and purchase books, library materials and supplies, stimulate growth of library services, attend library meetings or seminars, undertake indexing, classification and cataloging books and non-book materials and maintain relations to publishers and distributors. The Assistant Librarian shall take charge in absence of the librarian, help the librarian in indexing, classifying and cataloging of books and responsible for materials like clippings, periodicals and other documents, take charge in clipping and binding press and reviews, undertake the processing of books and non-book materials from putting accession number and stamping ownership mark to shelving. The Library Assistant shall issue and retrieve books at the circulation section, do the shelving and shelf reading of books retrieved, Paste torn pages of books and periodicals, undertake filing of clippings in the vertical file, type book cards, paste pockets and date due slips in books, cover books with plastic cover, stamp on books and periodicals, and file cards in the card catalogue. Cataloging and Classification. In the cataloging and classification of the book collections, the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules is adopted and the method used to describe an item that the library acquired. Also, the Dewey Decimal Classification System, the Sears List of Subject Heading and the Cutter Number of Tables are used in the NPCMSTI library. Borrowers. The student registered in the college, faculty members, staff, administrators, alumni of the college, and scholars or researchers from other institutions or organizations with endorsement letter from their librarians can use the services of the library. Importance of the Study This study is important to the following entities: To the Community. Through the help of this study it shall uplift the community’s education of the Filipinos by improving the services of the library. To the NPCMSTI. The output of the study shall be a great aid to the people using the library in the school. By improving and implementing the computerized system, books are monitored and also the quality of service that the school renders shall be uplifted and it also helps meet the vision and mission of the school. To the Staff-in Charge. The output of the study shall help easy recording and accessing of books records. By this study, librarians can monitor the status of the book at the library if it is available or borrowed. They can easily generate book reports such as available books, borrowed books, and inventory of the books by category. From this they shall save time and effort, and they can do more output in simple way. To the Faculty. The study would be beneficial to them for faster searching of the book information. By using the computerized system, the instructor can determine the book information in which they can use as their references in their subjects that they are teaching. They can also determine the book status whether it is available or borrowed by using the search feature of the system. From this they can save more time and effort. To the Students. The study would be beneficial to them in which searching of the book information would be faster. By using the computerized system, the student can determine the book information and also the book status if it is available or borrowed by using the search feature of the system or if they know the title of the book they want to borrow, they can easily determine if that book is available at the library, from this study they can save more time and effort. To other Researchers. This shall be a reference in conducting studies related to computer on wider prospective and may also serve as a basis for further study related to computer program. To the Researcher. Through this, the researcher shall be able to determine and appreciate the impact using technology for the productivity of every individual. Statement of the Problem The main aim of the study was to design and develop a computerized library circulation system for NPCMSTI. Specifically, the project aimed to answer the following questions: 1. What are the processes involved in the existing library circulation system of NPCMSTI along the areas on: a) borrowing and returning of books and other reading materials, and b) inventory of books and other reading materials, and  report generation? 2. What system features can be incorporated in the proposed library system in terms of: a) functionalities, b) back-up and restoration facilities, and c) security and control measures? Objectives of the Study The researcher aimed to design and develop a computerized library circulation system for NPCMSTI. Specifically, the study aimed to achieve the following: 1. Identify the processes involved in the existing library circulation system of NPCMSTI along the areas on: a) borrowing and returning of books and other reading materials, and  b) inventory of books and other reading materials, and report generation. 2. To determine the system features that can be incorporated in the proposed library system in terms of: a) functionalities, b) back-up and restoration facilities, and c) security and control measures. Definition of Terms The following terms are operationally defined: Administration. This refers to the supervision of the library by full-time, professionally-trained staff under a well-defined organizational setup. Back-up. This is the capability of the system to create a copy of the database. Book Category. The classification of a books as Filipiniana or Foreign. Borrowing of books. This is the process of lending available books and reading materials at the library. Inventory of Books. The process of generating a list of books borrowed, list of books available, and list of Filipiniana books and Foreign books by course. Filipiniana. These are books and non-book materials, published in the Philippines or abroad, written by Filipinos in any dialects or in English. Foreign. These are books and non-book materials, published in the Philippines or abroad, written by foreigners in any dialects or in English. Library System Functionality Features. These are the functions that are incorporated in the system such as searching of books, and verifying of borrowed books and returned books. Library Automation. It is an innovation using the computer to enhance the operation of the library. Library Circulation. It is comprised of the activities around the lending and borrowing of library books and other material to users. Library Environment. This refers to the physical condition, site, facilities and equipment of the library. Library Resources. This refers to the library personnel, book collection, services and use of the library. Non-print. These are non-book materials in various formats and style. Readers Services. These are services provided to customer such as bibliographical instruction on the effective use of the library, abstracting, information retrieval, reader’s guidance, and indexing. Report Generation. The process of generating a report on books needed by the librarian. Restore. Capability of the system that restores backup database into the system. Returning of Books. The process of returning the borrowed book at the library by the borrower. Searching of Books. The process of searching books at the library. Security measures. These are the computer controls that the library system will adopt in-order to protect the information or data in the database. Services. These are the activities that ensures maximum access and availability of resources and satisfactory use of the Library. Staff. They are the human resource of the library that maintains the services. This includes the professionals and the non-professional staff.

The Makeover Beauty Salon Marketing Essay

The Makeover Beauty Salon Marketing Essay Introduction The Makeover Beauty Salon is a beauty salon that aims at rendering maximum customer satisfaction by providing the best service, using high quality products, and building a pleasant environment at an affordable price, to meet the needs of customers of all social status. I am the owner of The Makeover Beauty Salon and I perceive an unsatisfied customer need for a low-cost salon that provides maximum flexibility and great customer attention. Using this strategy, The Makeover Beauty Salon will gain much reputation and create long-term relationships with its customers. The Makeover Beauty Salon is the only area salon to be online and fully automated and will have the most aggressive marketing campaign of any other area salon. The Makeover Beauty Salon will target two different market segments: Youngsters will typically make up 70-75% of the clientele.   Young mothers with children. Future Opportunities The main segment of the population that is targeted by the salon is the younger generation, which is the youth. It has been noticed that adolescents like different and new looks, which are apart from others. They like to look very special and The Makeover Beauty Salon has all the means to satisfy the needs of the main targeted group. This opportunity will be researched and developed on a trial basis. For example, every weekend, people can go to the salon and i will do their makeup or hair. If successful, it could become a major new source of income without creating the need for additional staff or production space. The management team of The Makeover Beauty Salon I will be the only manager of the salon. I will have as assistant, Miss Shazia. The latter takes the responsibility of supervising the workers when I will not be present at the salon. Miss Shazia has a degree in management of salon and she has two years of experience from another salon. I have also appointed two caretakers, Mrs Aisha and Miss Dolly, who will take care of customers children when the customers will be pampering themselves. Growth opportunities improve employee retention within our industry. The salon acknowledges the need for growth of the individual. II The Business The company After a tedious search for a suitable place for the salon, finally one was found at the centre of the island. The location of the salon would be perfect, as it can welcome customers from all over Mauritius. The exact location is in the centre of Curepipe. The recently completed highway in the surrounding offers  hundreds of thousands of local residents, shoppers from outside the area, and travelers that use this new highway.  With this high concentration of customers there  is no big and sophisticated salon in the locality. This is one of the main advantages of opening the salon at that particular location. Services and products offered The Makeover Beauty Salon is considered an innovating beauty salon which offers a wide range of services that include: Hair:  cuts, relaxers, perms, colors, shampoo, conditioning, curling, reconstructing, weaving, and waving Nails:  manicures, pedicures, polish, sculptured nails Skin Care:  European facials, body waxing, massage Makeup: bridal makeup, casual makeup, formal makeup, amongst others Service is offered on a walk-in basis or by appointment. The Makeover Beauty Salon will emphasize a customer-centric service where the customers needs are always the priority. The Makeover Beauty Salon will also sell hair care products, which is forecasted to account for about 15% of sales. These professional-quality supplies will include shampoos, conditioners, brushes, combs, and other styling aids. Company Overview The Makeover Beauty Salon is located in Curepipe and will offer affordable priced, convenient hair styling. The Makeover Beauty Salon will accept walk-ins as well as appointments for the entire family. The salon will grow its market share based on superior customer attention. The Salon is a family hair salon, also known as a quick hair salon and this new salon has everything to set up a new path and disguise people in an unexpected way. It is owned by Miss Chellen, who has recently returned from the United States, with innovative ideas, after advanced studies about the fashion and makeup line, and also in beauty salon management. Company Ownership The Makeover Beauty Salon will be entirely owner by me. I have done a degree in Beauty Salon management and a degree in General Cosmetology in the United States. I also worked in a salon for more than 5 years there. I have a very friendly approach in the salon and when I am tutoring. Salons motto: The trend begins here Vision Mission The Makeover Beauty Salons vision is to create a harmonious, productive, and profitable salon environment, supplying the community with Avon cosmetology. The mission statement is very clear: The Makeover Beauty Salon has been established to set a new path in the beauty line by providing an exceptional service which aims at satisfying people of all age. Through its services, the salon aims at exceeding customers expectations. Objectives To cater for the fast changing trends of makeup and hairstyles. To make people look more special and different from others. To supply services and products that enhances our clients physical appearance and mental relaxation. Keys to Success Set up the salon in a location easily accessible to everyone. The environment should be very appealing, friendly and relaxing. Try to be as innovative as possible in styles. Dare to try something new. Aim at complete customer satisfaction by offering the best service at affordable prices. The Makeover Beauty Salon can best be described as presently being in the business of cosmetology, education, and wellness. In recent times our key strengths have been customer service. The Makeover Beauty Salon will use automation to keep hold of clients. According to studies, it takes 3 times the amount of effort to attract a new client than the effort to retain a satisfied client. at present, 10% of all salons are automated. in the vicinity, 3 salons are automated and none use the technology to market and track clients. Automation is a key to growing and maintaining our target market. Goals and Objectives It is the goal of The Makeover Beauty Salon to provide the community with an institution of cosmetology that targets all socioeconomic standings and is a model for the industry nationally. Startup Summary After several months of search for a salon to purchase, the owner decided to start a salon from the ground up. The Makeover Beauty Salon will incur the following start-up costs: Computer with point of sale terminal. Computer with printer for back office. Five cutting stations, each station requires a barber chair, cabinet, large mirror, blow dryer, curling iron, electric razor, several pairs of scissors, spray bottle, two sided mirror, and assorted combs and brushes. Desk for reception area. Three couches for the reception area. Display shelf for sale of retail products. Assorted plants. Assorted toys for the children. Legal fees for business formation and generation/review of contracts. Startup funding Start-up Expenditure to Fund $2000 Start-up Assets to Fund $104,000 Total Funding Required $106,000 Assets Non-cash Assets from Start-up $8,450 Cash Requirements from Start-up $89,720 Additional Cash Raised $0 Cash Balance on Starting Date $89,720 Total Assets $98,170 Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Current Borrowing $0 Long-term Liabilities $40,000 Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0 Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0 Total Liabilities $40000 Capital Planned Investment Chellen $100,000 Investor 2 $0 Other $0 Additional Investment Requirement $0 Total Planned Investment $100,000 Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($1,100) Total Capital $98,900 Total Capital and Liabilities $104,000 Total Funding $106,000 Start-up Requirements Start-up Expenses Legal $1,000 Stationery etc. $100 Other $0 Total Start-up Expenses $2,000 Start-up Assets Cash Required $89,720 Other Current Assets $0 Long-term Assets $7,000 Total Assets $104,000 Total Requirements $106,000 III Management Team I will be working full time at the Makeover Beauty Salon. She will be in charge of all recruitment and training, purchasing, and retail sales. Apart from the assistant manager and the two caretakers, I will also employ a receptionist to  take care of all of the appointments as well as the people who walk in, and be responsible for the point of sale.  The receptionist will be paid an hourly wage. I even plan to hire some part-time hair stylists during wedding periods and the eves of festivals, which will operate on an hourly/commission basis.   I thought of using a partial commission basis to create incentives for greater customer attention. The better service employees provide to their customers, the greater customer satisfaction will be derived and the more money they will make off commissions. Miss Chellen will be pleased to pay for this type of performance. IV Organizational Structure The organisational structure of The Makeover Beauty The New Looking salon will be like a flat organisation structure. It is supervised closely by the founder. Thus, efficiency is maintained and so is the satisfaction of customers. The salon is structured as follows in the diagram below. Director Children Caretakers Manager of salon Assisstant Manager Part-timers Part-timers Part-timers Diagram 1: This represents the business structure. Intellectual Property The patent license, trademark and copyright agreements have already been applied for approval. V Industry Analysis SWOT Analysis Strengths à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢outstanding location. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Well-qualified employees with good hair cutting skills with a wide style collection, and Customer-focused business practices. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢A wide range of services offered. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cutthroat prices. Weaknesses à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢As a new entrant to the market, The Makeover Beauty Salon lacks brand equity that many other salons have gained over years of service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Large costs related with a start-up company. Opportunities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢A steady growing market that is traditionally unaffected by the economic environment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢The ability to decrease marginal fixed costs as the customer base grows. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Increasing sales opportunities as more people from an individual family visits The Makeover Beauty Salon. Threats à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Competition from already established salons. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢A change in traffic patterns as they relate to the mall where The Makeover Beauty Salon is located. The hair styling industry is highly divided with national chains, some of which operates diverse franchises catering to all the market segments, and also including thousands of mom and pop salons that are very limited in scale and services. This makes for an extremely aggressive market that has low barriers to entry and exit. Moreover, the customers of hair styling have considerable control due to the low switching costs they have. However, most companies have tried to pursue only one general strategy in gaining more reputation. The Makeover Beauty Salon is of the view that that it is possible to offer a differentiated service through superior customer service at no greater considerable cost if the right employee incentives are provided. With this strategy in mind, the salons purpose is to boost the number of clients served by at least 30% per year. Target Market The Makeover Beauty Salon will be targeting two different groups of customers, but will lay more emphasis on the youths. It will work hard to distinctly appeal to each of these groups. By focusing on more than one group, the salon is minimizing its risk that in a downturn one group will negatively affect the company. Market Segmentation The Makeover Beauty Salon will target three different market segments: Youngsters will normally make up 70-75% of the clientele, as they are very conscious about looking good, having perfectly trimmed eyebrows and they like to keep changing their styles regularly. Young mothers with children. Most young children are notoriously difficult when it comes to getting haircuts. A family style salon is a more laid-back place that allows the children to play while they are waiting and then will work with the parents in calming the kids nerves when they are ready for their shearing. Target Market Segment Strategy The Makeover Beauty Salon will target each of the two groups separately. The youngsters will be pampered in a very bright, appealing, colorful and attractive atmosphere. Employees will use the latest equipment available with them, which would suit their preferences and with which they will feel at ease. The Makeover Beauty Salon will also  target mothers with children by offering the kids toys to play with while they wait and child-friendly hair stylists. Moreover, children will receive a special rate reflecting the fact that childrens hair grows so fast that it can be costly to keep up with regular cuts, as well as the recognition that it generally takes lesser time to cut a childs hair so it should be naturally less expensive. Competition and Buying Patterns The Makeover Beauty Salon competitors include: Traditional barbers. They do not work on appointments as it offers an open door service. While barbers are willing to give you whatever cut you want, they are generally providing straight forward haircuts, typically on the conservative side. The advantages of a barber are they are low-cost and easy to use. Their disadvantages is often conservative styling capacities, sometimes a long wait as the barber may be an old timer who enjoys to chit chat. Franchised quick salons.   An example of this would be Supercuts or Best Cuts. In essence this is a franchised version of The Makeover Beauty Salon. The advantage of this style is the store will be the same from location to location and some people like this predictability.   Independent salons. These salons typically focus on a specific niche and do not serve a large group of customers. The advantages to these could be an independent salon that caters for all of your needs. The disadvantage is that because they tend to be more focused, more often than not this type of salon will not offer exactly what  customers are looking for. Competitive Edge The Makeover Beauty Salon aims to be very different from the beauty salons which offer only one or two services. From surveys, it has been concluded that customers often get frustrated as they have to get their hair done at one place and facial and makeup done at another place. This becomes very annoying for clients as they have to travel a lot and it is tiresome as well. Therefore the Makeover Beauty Salon plans to offer all these services under the same roof. As such, clients will be more at ease to make themselves beautiful. There exist several salons that are already proving the same services as the Makeover Beauty Salon, but they charge very high prices which everybody cannot afford as these salons are situates mostly in towns, where high rent have to be paid. Therefore, to attract the maximum number of customers, the Makeover Beauty Salon plans to offer better quality service than the other salons, but at affordable prices so that everyone can afford making then look beautiful, especially the youngsters, as they are the one that the salon is targeting at. Basically the atmosphere prevailing at the Makeover Beauty Salon will be very cozy and relaxing, where clients would love to be pampered. A welcoming drink will be served to clients as they enter the salon they can chose amongst tea, coffee, juice, soft drink. A television will be located in the waiting room and a radio in the hair-drying area, as this may take some time. VI Marketing Plan Marketing Strategy The Makeover Beauty Salon has a very simple marketing strategy: satisfying its clients. Miss Chellen is of the view that when a customer leaves her salon, he/she should have a new look which would be perfect for the occasion the latter would be attending, and the latter should also be representing the Makeover Beauty Salon through his/her makeup and hairstyle the client should be a medium of portraying the salons qualities, service and image. Miss Chellen has no plans to advertise her new salon. According to researches, a satisfied customer is able to influence 11 14 people positively. Therefore, the owner of the salon is of the view that its the satisfied customers that will bring new customers to her salon and her business grows. She has, in her mind, a strategy to reward her potential clients who are able to attract new customer into the salon. Sales Strategy The Makeover Beauty Salon sales approach will be based on exceptionally professional communications with the customer. Normally the quick salons lay emphasis on being quick and inexpensive, often at the cost of customer service. Anytime that a potential customer will talk with someone at the Makeover Beauty Salon, the owner/employee will have an opportunity to impress the customer. Employee training will emphasize seizing these opportunities. The Makeover Beauty Salon will also have the chance to increase sales of its retail hair care products every time it has a customer in the chair. The Makeover Beauty Salon offers interesting discounts on the hair care products for employees to use these products, so that they can explain to the customer about their personal experiences. Additionally, the Makeover Beauty Salon offers a product-based commission structure for the hair care products where they give away the product to the employee for commissions for selling the items to their customers. These personal testimonials and commission structure will allow  the salon to generate good sales from the retail hair care products. Sales forecasts The first diagram above depicts the first years forecast of the Makeover Beauty Salon sales. In the first 4 months, sales will be very steady as the salon will experience new customers, who will get to know about the services that the salon offers. During the subsequent months, an increase in all the services offered is expected, as the customers will be satisfied with the service of the salon. Sales Forecast Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales Youngsters $20,150 $35,260 $41,100 Women with small children $2,015 $3,526 $4,110 Retail hair care products $29,225 $32,975 $40,500 Total Sales $51,390 $71,761 $85,710 Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Youngsters $2,600 $4,750 $4,900 Women with small children $260 $475 $490 Retail hair care products $14,500 $26,000 $27,500 Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $17,360 $31,225 $32,890 VII Operation Plan Facilities The salon will be offering home styling and makeup for brides or any other special weekends, but for that, an appointment is compulsory this should be done at least 3 weeks before the due date. Potential clients will not be charged with the travelling costs. Hours of operation The salon will be open week from 8 am to 5pm on Monday to Saturday. However, on Saturdays and public holidays, it will be opened from 10 am to 1 pm. Employee Training Education Employees will be trained not only in their specific styling duties but in the philosophy and applications of our concept. They will receive extensive information from the owner and be kept informed of the latest information concerning styling and makeup applications through continuous training. Systems Controls A big emphasis is being placed on extensive research into the quality and integrity of our products. They will constantly be tested for our own high standards of effectiveness and professionalism. Cosmetic products costs and inventory control will be handled by our computer system and checked daily by management. Facilities The salon will be offering home styling and makeup for brides or any other special weekends, but for that, an appointment is compulsory this should be done at least 3 weeks before the due date. Potential clients will not be charged with the travelling costs. Hours of operation The salon will be open week from 8 am to 5pm on Monday to Saturday. However, on Saturdays and public holidays, it will be opened from 10 am to 1 pm. Employee Training Education Employees will be trained not only in their specific styling duties but in the philosophy and applications of our concept. They will receive extensive information from the owner and be kept informed of the latest information concerning styling and makeup applications through continuous training. Systems Controls A big emphasis is being placed on extensive research into the quality and integrity of our products. They will constantly be tested for our own high standards of effectiveness and professionalism. Cosmetic products costs and inventory control will be handled by our computer system and checked daily by management. VIII Financial Plan Start-up Funding Start-up Expenses to Fund $1,817 Start-up Assets to Fund $60,600 Total Funding Required $62,417 Assets Non-cash Assets from Start-up $60,100 Cash Requirements from Start-up $500 Additional Cash Raised $0 Cash Balance on Starting Date $500 Total Assets $60,600 Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Current Borrowing $0 Long-term Liabilities $61,917 Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0 Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0 Total Liabilities $61,917 Capital Planned Investment Owner $500 Investor $0 Additional Investment Requirement $0 Total Planned Investment $500 Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($1,817) Total Capital ($1,317) Total Capital and Liabilities $60,600 Total Funding $62,417 Important Assumptions The following section will detail important Financial Assumptions. General Assumptions Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Plan Month 1 2 3 Current Interest Rate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% Long-term Interest Rate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% Tax Rate 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% Other 0 0 0 Projected Cash Flow The cash flow depends on assumptions for inventory turnover, payment days, and accounts receivable management. Our projected same-day collections are critical, and are reasonable and customary in the salon industry. We do not expect to need significant additional support even when we reach the less profitable months, as they are expected. Projected Cash Flow Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Cash Received Cash from Operations Cash Sales $277,143 $504,802 $525,337 Subtotal Cash from Operations $277,143 $504,802 $525,337 Additional Cash Received Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0 New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0 New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 New Investment Received $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Cash Received $277,143 $504,802 $525,337 Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Expenditures from Operations Cash Spending $251,600 $275,200 $279,200 Bill Payments $101,816 $172,090 $181,489 Subtotal Spent on Operations $353,416 $447,290 $460,689 Additional Cash Spent Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0 Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0 Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0 Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 Dividends $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Cash Spent $353,416 $447,290 $460,689 Net Cash Flow ($76,273) $57,513 $64,648 Cash Balance $20,307 $77,820 $142,467 Projected Balance Sheet of The Makeover Beauty Salon Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Assets Current Assets Cash $20,307 $77,820 $142,467 Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 Total Current Assets $20,307 $77,820 $142,467 Long-term Assets Long-term Assets $7,320 $7,320 $7,320 Accumulated Depreciation $1,464 $2,928 $4,392 Total Long-term Assets $5,856 $4,392 $2,928 Total Assets $26,163 $82,212 $145,395 Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $11,945 $14,341 $14,968 Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Current Liabilities $11,945 $14,341 $14,968 Long-term Liabilities $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Total Liabilities $56,945 $59,341 $59,968 Paid-in Capital $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 Retained Earnings ($1,100) ($90,782) ($37,130) Earnings ($89,682) $53,652 $62,557 Total Capital ($30,782) $22,870 $85,427 Total Liabilities and Capital $26,163 $82,212 $145,395 Net Worth ($30,782) $22,870 $85,427 IX Critical Risk factors Management Risks: It can be considered the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate event or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risks can come from uncertainty in financial markets, project failures and legal liabilities in the Makeover Beauty Salon. Other potential Management risks may be: Defective products/services. Health and safety incidents. Faulty equipment.(e.g. damaged wires or sockets) Environmental risks (e.g. noise pollution and the use of eco-friendly product) Technological obsolescence. Theft of assets Marketing Risks: Marketing is a risk and you cant go on happily thinking that whatever youre doing is working for the best of the organization. By the time you do so, the market will have shifted from under your feet. Some marketing risks may be: Government action ( pass law to limit the time for using salon till late night) Rival (imitation of ideas is done quickly by competitors) Operating Risks: It is a risk arising from execution of a companys business functions. As such, it is a very broad concept including e.g fraud risks, legal risks, physical or environmental risks in the Makeover Beauty Salon. Other forms of operating risks may be: the type of product received from suppliers the neighbourhood problem which can halt work the defect that hairstyle is not done according to customer wish regulation which employee dont accept culture for where on a day some worker have to leave for prayer Financial Risks: It is basically any risk related with any form of financing. Risk is probability of unfavorable condition; in financial sector it is the probability of actual return being less than expected return for a business company. Intellectual Property Infringement: It is the infringement of an intellectual prop